Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 24 Number 4 1976
ZO9760491Sexual dimorphiam and other sources of variation in a sample of dugong skulls from north Queensland
AV Spain, GE Heinsohn, H Marsh and RL Correll
pp. 491-497
ZO9760533The effect of age on the female reproductive tract of the hopping-mouse Notomys alexis
S Telfer and WG Breed
pp. 533-540
ZO9760541Annual gonadal and adrenal cycles in the Eastern Rosella, Platycerus eximius, (Psittaciformes : Platycercidae)
MJ Smith and JLG Brereton
pp. 541-556
ZO9760573Studies on populations on Potorous Desmarest (Marsupialia) I.Morphological variation
PG Johnston and GB Sharman
pp. 573-588
ZO9760589Morphological variation in the white-tailed black cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus baudinii, in Western Australia: A multivariate approach
NA Campbell and DA Saunders
pp. 589-595
ZO9760597A Revision of the Anomaloninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Australia.
ID Gauld
pp. 597-634