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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

The Distribution of the European or German Wasp, Vespula-Germanica (F) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), in Australia - Past, Present and Future

JP Spradbery and GF Maywald

Australian Journal of Zoology 40(5) 495 - 510
Published: 1992


The social wasp Vespula germanica (F.) occurs throughout Europe south of latitude 62-degrees-N. Its native distribution extends into northern Africa, the Middle East, northern India, China and Korea. It has been accidentally introduced into several regions, including North and South America, and South Africa. It has also been introduced to Australasia, where it became established in Tasmania in 1959 and at several Australian mainland localities during 1977-78. It is now widespread throughout Victoria, in much of southern and coastal New South Wales, and in some suburbs of Adelaide and Per-th. One nest has been recorded in Maryborough, Queensland. The observed global distribution is used here to determine the potential distribution and relative abundance of V. germanica in Australia using the climate-matching computer program CLIMEX. The results indicate that this pestiferous wasp could potentially colonise most of the eastern seaboard of Australia north to Rockhampton, Queensland. V. germanica is likely to adversely affect human activities, with accompanying environmental damage as it inevitably spreads and consolidates, and prospects for containment and control appear minimal.

© CSIRO 1992

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