Population Biology of Euperipatoides-Leuckartii (Onychophora, Peripatopsidae)
IAW Scott and DM Rowell
Australian Journal of Zoology
39(5) 499 - 508
Published: 1991
This paper reports on a population study of the onychophoran Euperipatoides leuckartii. The species was found to be extremely abundant in decomposing logs from the Tallaganda State Forest area. Analysis of its distribution indicated that E. leuckartii occurred only in logs with a relative water content greater than 211 %. Furthermore, the occurrence of E. leuckartii was found to be congruent with that of termites. Abundance was also correlated with altitude, which suggests an effect of tree species, although other correlated variables may be implicated. Overall, sex ratio was found to be heavily skewed in favour of females. However, the sex ratio was not homogeneous among age cohorts or logs. The skewed overall sex ratio is considered to be a result of differential lifespans and age at maturity of the sexes, and a model for log-colonisation patterns is presented that may explain the differences in peripatus sex ratios observed among logs.https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO9910499
© CSIRO 1991