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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Field Metabolic-Rate, Water Flux, and Food-Requirements of Short-Nosed Bandicoots, Isoodon-Obesulus (Marsupialia, Peramelidae)

KA Nagy, SD Bradshaw and BT Clay

Australian Journal of Zoology 39(3) 299 - 305
Published: 1991


Field metabolic rates (FMRS) and water influx rates of free-living short-nosed bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus) were measured via the doubly labelled water technique. Bandicoots ranging in body mass from 775 to 1825 g (mean = 1230 g) had FMRS averaging 0.908 mL CO2 g-1 h-1, or 644 kJ d-1. This is about 2.7 times predicted basal metabolic rate. Water influx rates during the autumn measurement period were comparatively low, averaging 88.8 mL kg-1 d-1, or 103 mL d-1 for a 1230 g animal. Feeding rate (dry matter intake) was estimated to be 45 g d-1, assuming that the food was half invertebrates and half plant tissues (dry matter basis). Performed and metabolically produced water from the food can completely account for total water intake, indicating that bandicoots did not drink the rainwater or pond water that was available. The study population (estimated density = 0.63 bandicoots ha-1) consumed food at a rate of about 62 g fresh matter ha-1 d-1 (equivalent to 27 g dry matter or 605 kJ ha-1 d-1), which is similar to the food requirements of populations of small eutherian and marsupial insectivores in other habitats.

© CSIRO 1991

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