Albumin Immunological Relationships of Australian Marsupials. 2. The Pseudocheiridae
PR Baverstock, M Krieg, J Birrell and GM Mckay
Australian Journal of Zoology
38(5) 519 - 526
Published: 1990
Microcomplement fixation of albumin was used to examine the phylogenetic relationships among the ringtail possums, family Pseudocheiridae. Phylogenetic analysis of the data supports the hypothesis of at least three distinct clades within the family: one containing Petauroides and Hemibelideus; a second consisting of Pseudocheirus herbertensis, Ps. forbesi, Ps. mayeri, and Ps. canescens; and a third containing Ps. archeri, Ps. corinnae, Ps. cupreus and Ps. dahli. The data have not resolved the phylogenetic position of Ps. peregrinus, which may either form a separate clade or lie close to the Ps. archeri clade.
© CSIRO 1990