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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Doubly Labeled Water Validation in the Marsupial Petauroides-Volans

KA Nagy, WJ Foley, IR Kaplan, D Meredith and M Minagawa

Australian Journal of Zoology 38(5) 469 - 477
Published: 1990


Amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by caged greater gliders were measured simultaneously by means of potassium hydroxide absorption, and by the low-level, doubly labelled water method, which incorporated a gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer for determining the low oxygen isotope enrichments. The two methods yielded significantly different values, but doubly labelled water underestimated CO2 production by only 8.3% on average, and this error is in the range of mean errors found in previous validation studies where no significant differences existed. In addition, we tested procedures designed to reduce the costs of using the doubly labelled water method, by streamlining field and laboratory procedures for sample handling and processing.

© CSIRO 1990

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