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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Cells in the Parenchyma of Temnocephala I. A Large Secretory Cell, with a 'Honeycomb' Nucleus Surrounded by Juxtanuclear Desmosomes: a New Cell Type in Temnocephala novaezealandiae.

JB Williams

Australian Journal of Zoology 32(2) 207 - 218
Published: 1984


In the posterior parenchyma of T. noraezeaiandiae large cells occur which are extensively compartmentalized by intrusive, branching cell processes. The processes protrude into the cell body as far as the perinuclear zone. where they terminate at cup-shaped desmosomes. The desmosomes alternate with mitochondria in a regular arrangement around the nucleus. The perinuclear mitochondria often have an indented form. The nucleus is bordered by a honeycomb layer. in the channels of which are observed many. evidently migratory. perichromatin granules. Dense secretion bodies, synthesized in golgi systems of the large cells, coalesce to form aggregates. The exceptional cytomorphology seems to be an extreme specialization to facilitate intercellular communication.

© CSIRO 1984

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