Orientation of the Termitaria of Two Species of Amitermes (Isoptera:Termitinae) From Northern Queensland.
AV Spain, T Okello-Oloya and RD John
Australian Journal of Zoology
31(2) 167 - 177
Published: 1983
The long axes of the bases of the conical mounds of Amitermes laurensis and the bases and apices of those of A. vitiosus have a consistent orientation within selected study plots in northern Queensland. This orientation varies considerably over quite small distances. Orientations of the compass mounds of A. laurensis from Cape York Peninsula are compared with published information on that of the compass mounds of A. laurensis and A. meridionalis from the Northern Territory. It is concluded that the orientation of these termitaria is neither consistent within localities nor accurately based on either geographic or magnetic north.https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO9830167
© CSIRO 1983