The Composition and Abundance of the Spider Fauna in South-East Queensland Cotton.
AL Bishop
Australian Journal of Zoology
28(6) 699 - 708
Published: 1980
In unsprayed cotton grown in 2 regions of south-eastern Queensland in 1973-77, 10 families, 19 genera and 25 species of spiders were represented. Of these, Cheiracanthium mordax L. Koch (diversum L. Koch), Achaearanea veruculata (Urquhart) and Theridion sp. made up 80-86%. Comparisons of population abundances, stage and sex ratios were made, and although some differences were recorded there were similarities between successive seasons. The seasonal distributions of the most abundant species are given, and their relation to the average crop phenology is discussed.
© CSIRO 1980