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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Seasonal Field Energetics and Water Fluxes of the Long-nosed Potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) in Southern Victoria

I. R. Wallis, B. Green and K. Newgrain

Australian Journal of Zoology 45(1) 1 - 11
Published: 1997


Field metabolic rates (FMRs) and water-flux rates of free-living male and female long-nosed potoroos (Potorous tridactylus) were measured in two seasons near Warrnambool in southern Victoria, Australia, using the doubly labelled water technique. Potoroos, which weighed about 835 g, expended 30% more energy (590 kJ day-1) in early spring than they did in midsummer (463 kJ day-1 ), despite mean minimum temperatures in the two seasons differing by only 4C. We did not find any difference in the FMRs of males and females even though all females carried pouch young or had young at foot. The mean water flux rates followed a similar seasonal trend to that of FMR with the summer mean influx rate (131 mL day-1 ) being 30% lower than that in spring (174 mL day-1 ). This difference in water-turnover rate may reflect changes in the seasonal water status of the environment. Hypogeous fungi constitute a major part of the diet of potoroos and the role played by this food source in supplying amino acids is discussed.

© CSIRO 1997

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