The influence of a new water infrastructure development on the relative abundance of two Australian freshwater turtle species
Natalie J. Clark
A Natural Resources, GHD, GPO Box 668, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia.
B Seqwater, Southern Region Office, Advancetown Road, Advancetown, Qld 4211, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Zoology 66(1) 57-66
Submitted: 30 August 2017 Accepted: 06 August 2018 Published: 11 September 2018
Journal Compilation © CSIRO 2018 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
Development of water infrastructure benefits water security and agriculture but poses risks to habitat and aquatic fauna. Wyaralong Dam was constructed on Teviot Brook in 2010 to provide future urban water supplies for South East Queensland, Australia. Construction of the dam created a large impoundment area and environmental impact assessment predicted significant impacts upon resident freshwater turtle species and their habitats. Differences in habitat requirements, life-history characteristics and sensitivity to change between the Macquarie River turtle (Emydura macquarii macquarii) and the common saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys latisternum) were expected to influence the impact of the dam on the spatial and temporal abundance of these species. The relative abundance of each species was monitored at sites located within, upstream and downstream of the impoundment across wet and dry seasons during the dam’s first five years of operation. The results of this monitoring program indicate that spatial and temporal variability in the relative abundance of E. macquarii macquarii and M. latisternum occurred during the study but not all expected impacts were realised. Contrary to expectation, the relative abundance of E. macquarii macquarii did not increase over time within, upstream or downstream of the dam. M. latisternum showed greater temporal variability at some sites; however, no clear relationship between relative abundance and operational years was observed during the monitoring program. Spatial variability in relative abundance between sites was dependent upon season, with trends generally consistent across both turtle species. Where differences between species were observed, these are suspected to have resulted from the influence of environmental conditions on species-specific movement behaviours. The monitoring program confirmed the use of the upper limits of the impoundment and the plunge pool below the dam wall by both turtle species but relative abundance within the main body of the impoundment remained low throughout monitoring. The results of the study allow for consideration of the suitability of predefined management measures and the development of recommendations for future monitoring programs prescribed for water infrastructure developments.
Additional keywords: conservation, damming, Emydura macquarii macquarii, impact, Myuchelys latisternum, population monitoring, regulated rivers, species management.
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