Genetic variation within species of the nematode genus Cloacina (Strongyloidea : Cloacininae) parasitic in the stomachs of rock wallabies, Petrogale spp. (Marsupialia : Macropodidae) in Queensland
Neil B. Chilton A B E , Florence Huby-Chilton A C , Peter M. Johnson D , Ian Beveridge A and Robin B. Gasser AA Department of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne, Werribee, Vic. 3030, Australia.
B Present address: Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5E2, Canada.
C Present address: Centre for Animal Parasitology, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 2R3, Canada.
D Queensland National Parks & Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Pallarenda, Qld 4017, Australia.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Zoology 57(1) 1-10
Submitted: 26 August 2008 Accepted: 16 February 2009 Published: 3 April 2009
Four morphospecies of Cloacina, parasitic nematodes in the stomachs of rock wallabies (Petrogale spp.) from Queensland, were compared genetically using sequence data of the two internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The results suggest that two geographically isolated populations of C. ernabella from P. purpureicollis were genetically distinct. Based on the autapomorphic species concept, these two C. ernabella populations represented different species. For the three other nematode morphospecies, there were genetic differences among individuals of a morphospecies present in different species of host. The results suggest that each may represent a complex of sibling species, with a different species present in each species of rock wallaby examined for that morphospecies. In the C. caenis and C. pearsoni complexes, the lineage present in P. purpureicollis from western Queensland represents a sister taxon to those in the P. pencillata complex from the east coast. In the C. robertsi complex, the taxon parasitic in P. persephone represents the sister taxon to those in the P. pencillata complex and in P. purpureicollis. C. robertsi was found for the first time in P. purpureicollis from Winton in central Queensland, suggesting contact in the recent past between populations of P. purpureicollis and a member of the P. penicillata complex.
We thank Lesley Warner for assistance in obtaining material in the Rockhampton area. Part of the material collected was obtained under permit number C6/000184/01/SAA issued by the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage. The Australian Research Council provided financial support for part of the project.
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