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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

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An Ultrastructural Study of the Distal Epidermis and the Occurrence of Subcuticular Bacteria in the Gutless Tubificid Phallodrilus Albidus (Oligochaeta:Annelida).

KS Richards, TP Fleming and BGM Jamieson
30(2) pp.327 - 336

28 articles found in Crossref database.

A test of monophyly of the gutless Phallodrilinae (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) and the use of a 573‐bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene in analysis of annelid phylogeny
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Zoologica Scripta. 1999 28(3-4). p.305
Morphology and fine structure of two marine tubificids (Oligochaeta), closely related to the gutlessPhallodrilus spp.
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Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 1995 61(5). p.1679
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Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Gutless Phallodrilinae (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae), with Descriptions of One New Genus and Twenty‐Two New Species*
Zoologica Scripta. 1984 13(4). p.239
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Martínez Alejandro, Di Domenico Maikon, Rouse Greg W., Worsaae Katrine
Cladistics. 2015 31(3). p.250
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Giere Olav, Rhode Birgit, Dubilier Nicole
Zoomorphology. 1988 108(1). p.29
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Sjölin Erica, Gustavsson Lena M.
Journal of Morphology. 2008 269(1). p.45
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Welsch Ulrich, Storch Volker, Richards K. Sylvia
Cuticular ultrastructure in some marine oligochaetes (Tubificidae)
Gustavsson Lena M., Erséus Christer
Invertebrate Biology. 2000 119(2). p.152
Comparative study of the cuticle in some aquatic oligochaetes (Annelida: Clitellata)
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Journal of Morphology. 2001 248(2). p.185
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Marine Biology. 1983 75(2-3). p.187
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Acta Zoologica. 1995 76(4). p.281
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The gutless oligochaete Phallodrilus leukodermatus Giere, a tubificid of structural, ecological and physiological relevance
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