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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

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The ultrastructure of the saccus vasculosus of teleost fishes I. The coronet cell

WJR Lanzing and Lennep EW van
18(4) pp.353 - 371

12 articles found in Crossref database.

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Mecklenburg Claes
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Emanuelsson Hadar, Mecklenburg Claes
Zeitschrift f�r Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie. 1972 130(3). p.351
Ultrastructure of the Saccus Vasculosus ofNotopterus Chitala(Pisces Osteoglossiformes)
Rossi Aldo, Monaco Gianni
Bolletino di zoologia. 1977 44(4). p.295
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Sanson Kirsti, Kryvi Harald
Acta Zoologica. 1991 72(2). p.73
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Benjamin Michael
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Light microscopic and ultrastructural study of the development of the saccus vasculosus in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
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A Systematic Survey of the Occurrence of the Hypothalamic Saccus Vasculosus in Teleost Fish
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Acta Zoologica. 1992 73(1). p.67
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