Operational field trialling of Felixer™ grooming traps for the control of feral cats in the Strzelecki Desert, Australia
R. D. Pedler

Feral cats (Felis catus) have an impact on native wildlife populations around the world but are difficult to control because of their neophobic behaviours and preference for live prey over scavenging poisoned baits. Felixers™ address these challenges by squirting poison-gel directly onto feral cats, exploiting their fastidious oral grooming tendencies to facilitate poison ingestion.
This study trialled Felixers in a landscape-scale arid-ecosystem site to assess their capacity to sustainably manage cat populations in a semi-bounded in situ predator training area and to eradicate cat incursions into a feral-free safe haven. Specifically, the aims were to determine target specificity and firing rates; optimise installation sites to exploit cat behaviour and landscape features; assess the fate of individuals following Felixer interaction; and assess the overall cost, performance and efficacy of Felixers compared with conventional cat control methods.
Up to nine Felixers were simultaneously deployed across three trial periods, spanning 30 months (4,642 trap nights) in Sturt National Park in the Strzelecki Desert dunefields of Australia. Felixers were deployed within and outside of feral-free safe havens, at varying cat densities, with populations monitored through camera-trap activity indices and individual behaviour monitored through satellite tracking.
Felixers fired at 20.3–43.9% of cats that passed in front (292 of 1,144 cats), with the remainder failing to satisfy the discriminatory algorithm’s target criteria. The devices had 99.93% target specificity from 17,425 interactions with moving animals and objects. Overall cat activity was lower in a semi-bounded 10,400 ha landscape-scale area where Felixers were intensively used, relative to an adjacent unbounded area where no cat control was occurring, over a 12-month subset of the 30-month trial. Felixers also resolved one of two incursions by cats into a 2,000 ha safe haven. Optimisation of Felixer placement and upgrading of software drove improvements in technical reliability and target identification during the trial. Shortcomings included cost and high incidence of technical faults, causing significant downtime and requiring regular investment of field staff time for monitoring and resolution.
Felixers provide a safe tool for cat management and eradication at intensively managed conservation sites. Efficacy could be improved through reductions in cost and improvements in reliability.
Overall Felixers appear to be an effective tool for cat management, when used in an integrated approach.
Keywords: 1080, arid zone, feral cat, invasive species, pest control, reintroduced mammals, sodium fluoroacetate, trap.
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