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Success criteria not met, but valuable information gained: monitoring a reintroduction of the tammar wallaby

G. E. Watkins A B , N. Willers A , H. Raudino A , J. Kinloch A and R. van Dongen A
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A Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, WA 6983, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Wildlife Research 45(5) 421-435
Submitted: 26 July 2017  Accepted: 15 May 2018   Published: 7 September 2018


Context: Fauna translocations are a tool for improving the conservation status of threatened species. Reviews of translocations undertaken in Australia and globally have reported that many fail because of predation by exotic predators. The outcome of ~40% of translocations was unknown, often owing to inadequate post-release monitoring. Monitoring methods such as global positioning system data-loggers can provide valuable information on survival, habitat use and sociality, and can be particularly useful for cryptic species.

Aims: The present study used global positioning system (GPS) data-loggers and VHF radio-transmitters to evaluate the success of a reintroduction of the tammar wallaby and measured survival, short-term home-range, habitat use and proximity between reintroduced individuals (as a proxy for association).

Methods: Sixty-nine tammar wallabies of captive and wild stock were reintroduced to Kalbarri National Park (KNP) following long-term and broad-scale fox control, with nine receiving GPS data-loggers, and 16 receiving VHF radio-transmitters. Wallabies were intensively monitored for up to 11 months post-release. Mortalities were investigated using DNA identification and field necropsies.

Key results: In total, 16 of the 25 collared wallabies died within 11–319 days of release. Ten of the sixteen deaths were from predation. Home-range areas were larger than those reported elsewhere. Wallabies utilised long-undisturbed vegetation with a dense canopy cover during crepuscular periods. These areas were likely sought as refuge from predation and thermal extremes. During the main feeding period, a mosaic of recently burnt (i.e. ~1 year) and >10 years since last disturbance was important.

Conclusions: The reintroduction was not considered successful because two-thirds of the collared wallabies died within 1 year of release and, therefore, the success criteria were not met.

Implications: Despite long-term fox control in KNP, the majority of collared wallaby deaths were a result of fox predation. This highlights the inherent difficulty of establishing populations of some species in the presence of introduced predators. Additional research could assist in determining appropriate control levels for introduced predators, to help ensure the success of future translocations of this species. Consideration should be given to the prey naivety of source animals, prey-switching by introduced predators, and short-term supplementary feeding to assist population establishment.

Additional keywords: European red fox, global positioning system (GPS), Kalbarri National Park, Notamacropus eugenii, remote sensing, translocation, Vulpes vulpes.


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