Methods and ethical considerations of pitfall trapping for the western pygmy possum (Cercartetus concinnus Gould) (Marsupialia : Burramyidae), with observations on capture patterns and nest sites
Angela J. L. Pestell A B and Sophie Petit B CA Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia.
B School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Wildlife Research 34(4) 296-305
Submitted: 18 July 2006 Accepted: 14 May 2007 Published: 28 June 2007
In order to enhance future trapping of the western pygmy possum (Cercartetus concinnus) and minimise the capture of non-target species in the context of animal ethics, we examined the effectiveness of several pitfall-trap capture methods and described capture patterns at Innes National Park, South Australia. For 2606 trap-nights, 78 (2.99 per 100 trap-nights) captures were pygmy possums (70 individuals). They represented 69% of the 113 vertebrates captured, followed by house mice (Mus domesticus) (22%). Nocturnal captures of pygmy possums varied with season (5.21 per 100 trap-nights in spring and summer, and 1.02 in autumn and winter). Males were more commonly captured than females. Half of the pygmy possums used the artificial shelters provided in the traps. We alternated 39-cm-deep and 31-cm-deep pitfall traps along trap lines, with and without drift netting. Pitfall depth did not significantly affect the capture rate of pygmy possums, but house mice were captured significantly more often in deep pitfalls. Use of a drift net did not affect the capture of pygmy possums, but increased mouse captures. These results have significant ethical implications because the use of ‘shallow’ traps and the elimination of the drift net minimised the capture of non-target mice. We recommend reporting trapping details precisely, because a difference of only 8 cm in trap depth can have a significant impact on species selected for capture. Our study also showed that pygmy possums are able to use a range of structures for daily shelter and are not dependent on hollows.
We are extremely grateful to Richy Pestell for his support. This study could not have been completed without the valuable assistance of volunteers, particularly Barb and Tony Cook, Tania Martin, Michael Rosewarne, Brian Thomson, Aaron Smith, and Jasmine Winter, who installed pitfalls and drift-net fencing. Special thanks are due to Todd Erickson, Ashley Walker, and Barb Cook for their valuable vegetation identification skills. Thanks also to the Innes National Park staff, particularly Andy Sharp, Caroline Paterson, Jasmine Winter, and Julia Bignall for their assistance, and also to Sue Carthew and Graham Medlin for advice before the start of this research. Janine Slocombe and Robert Aebi were instrumental in providing equipment. Thanks to Bill Holsworth, Zane Adams, Peter Copley, Annette Scanlon, Laura Fuss, Chris Raymond, Magda Kluka, Michael Hodges, Phil Roetman, Helen Waudby, Julia Burnard, Michael Jervois, Kathy Penny, Deb Frazer, Chris Havelberg, Ali Hughes, and Anthony Pieke for eager assistance in the field, to Joan Gibbs for advice on vegetation and ecological patterns, and to Fleur Tiver. Peggy Rismiller, Roger Clay, Damian Morrant, and two anonymous persons kindly reviewed the manuscript. This research was partly funded by a Postgraduate Scholarship from the Nature Foundation South Australia Inc., a grant from the Department for Environment and Heritage’s Northern and Yorke Region, and the University of South Australia provided funding through the Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Biodiversity, Environmental, and Park Management Program and through a Divisional Summer Scholarship. The study was conducted under a National Parks and Wildlife Scientific Permit S248411 and approval 59/04 from the IMVS Animal Ethics Committee.
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