Wildlife Research
Volume 25 Number 1 1998
WR97007Population indices for wild carnivores: a critical study in sand-dune habitat, south-western Queensland
Paul S. Mahon, Peter B. Banks and Chris R. Dickman
pp. 11-22
WR95006Does available foraging area, location or colony character control the size of multispecies egret colonies?
G. S. Baxter and P. G. Fairweather
pp. 23-32
WR96078Bushland modification and styles of urban development: their effects on birds in south-east Queensland
Sven R. Sewell and Carla P. Catterall
pp. 41-63
WR96108Iophenoxic acid as a biomarker for rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus )
D. R. King, M. H. Robinson, C. T. Eason and D. Batcheler
pp. 65-68
WR96121Reliability of morphometric measures for determining the sex of adult and fledgling shy albatrosses, Diomedea cauta cauta , in Australia
April Hedd, Rosemary Gales and Nigel Brothers
pp. 69-79
WR96072Fox control and rock-wallaby population dynamics — II. An update
J. E. Kinnear, M. L. Onus and Neil R. Sumner
pp. 81-88
WR96086Long-distance migrations by the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata , from north-eastern Australia
Jeffrey D. Miller, Kirstin A. Dobbs, Colin J. Limpus, Neil Mattocks and André M. Landry Jr
pp. 89-95