Wildlife Research
Volume 23 Number 4 1996
WR9960401Home ranges, time budgets and food-tree use in a high-density tropical population of greater gliders, Petauroides volans minor (Pseudocheiridae : Marsupialia)
SS Comport, SJ Ward and WJ Foley
pp. 401-419
WR9960421Effect of Pasture Availability on Bait Uptake by Feral Pigs in Australia's Semi-Arid Rangelands.
D Choquenot and B Lukins
pp. 421-428
WR9960475 Comparison of the Diet of Feral Cats From Rural and Pastoral Western Australia.
GR Martin, LE Twigg and DJ Robinson
pp. 475-484
WR9960495Assessing the Impacts of Logging on Reptiles and Frogs in the Montane Forests of Southern New South Wales.
R Goldingay, G Daly and F Lemckert
pp. 495-510
WR9960511Response of the Skink Oligosoma Maccanni (Reptilia: Lacertilia) to Two Vertebrate Pest-Control Baits.
AB Freeman, GJ Hickling and CA Bannock
pp. 511-516