Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 15 Number 1 1988
WR9880009Aboriginal knowledge of the mammals of the central deserts of Australia
A. A. Burbidge, K. A. Johnson, P. J. Fuller and R. I. Southgate
pp. 9-39
WR9880059Distribution, Habitat and Conservation Status of the Squirrel Glider Petaurus-Norfolcensis (Petauridae, Marsupialia) in Victoria
PW Menkhorst, BW Weavers and JSA Alexander
pp. 59-71
WR9880073The Evaluation of a Feral Pig Eradication Program During a Simulated Exotic Disease Outbreak.
G Saunders and H Bryant
pp. 73-81
WR9880083Capture Myopathy - 2 Techniques for Estimating Its Prevalence and Severity in Red Kangaroos, Macropus-Rufus
NC Shepherd, NC Shepherd, PR Hopwood, PR Hopwood, PL Dostine and PL Dostine
pp. 83-90