Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 7 Number 2 1980
WR9800191Diet of the Eastern Native-Cat, Dasyurus Viverrinus (Shaw), in Southern Tasmania.
S Blackhall
pp. 191-197
WR9800199The Ecology of Rattus lutreolus III*. The Rise and Fall of a Commensal Population
RW Braithwaite
pp. 199-215
WR9800257Food and Movements of the Short-Billed Form of the White-Tailed Black Cockatoo.
DA Saunders
pp. 257-269
WR9800281Occurrence of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Some Australian Seabirds.
GJ Miller and DW Connell
pp. 281-293
WR9800295Field Observations on Arenophryne Rotunda Tyler, a Leptodactylid Frog of Coastal Sandhills.
MJ Tyler, JD Roberts and M Davies
pp. 295-304