Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 3 Number 2 1976
WR9760117Extreme Risk of Mortality to Dugongs (Mammalia: Sirenia) from Netting Operations
GE Heinsohn, H Marsh and AV Spain
pp. 117-121
WR9760129The Distribution of Rabbit Warrens at Mitchell, Queensland, in relation to Soil and Vegetation Characteristics
BS Parker, LS Hall, K Myers and PJ Fullagar
pp. 129-148
WR9760153Two New Locality Records, a New Habitat and a Nest Description for Xeromys myoides Thomas (Rodentia : Muridae)
WE Magnusson, GJW Webb and JA Taylor
pp. 153-157
WR9760159Food of Eight Species of Columbidae, in the Genera Geopelia, Phaps, Geophaps and Petrophassa.
HJ Frith, TO Wolfe and RD Barker
pp. 159-171
WR9760173Moult, Movements, Age and Sex Composition of Mountain Duck, Tadorna tadornoides, Banded at Lake George, N.S.W
JL McKean and LW Braithwaite
pp. 173-179
WR9760189The Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Dartmouth Dam Inundation Area
DJ Thomas and AM Gilmore
pp. 189-208