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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Home range, nest use and activity of the Tasmanian bettong, Bettongia gaimardi

RJ Taylor

Wildlife Research 20(1) 87 - 95
Published: 1993


Home range, nest use and activity of the Tasmanian bettong, Bettongia gaimardi, was investigated in northern Tasmania. During 3-week periods in August and November 1986 and February and May 1987 radio-tracking of six females and three males was undertaken, five of these being tracked in more than one period. Home ranges of males were larger than those of females. There was no indication of any major differences in home-range size or shifts in location of home ranges between seasons. Nightly patterns of movement were essentially random with distances of 500-600 m between half-hourly locations being not uncommon. Males occasionally showed a more regular pattern of movement possibly related to searching for oestrous females. Bettongs became active soon after dark. The number of hours spent active was greatest during May (79% of length of night) and lowest during November (93% of night). Bettongs occasionally rested at night between two bouts of activity. Nests are formed from a hollowed-out bundle of plant material and located under fallen trees, shrubs or logs, or under low shrubs or clumps of ground vegetation such as Lomandra. Individuals used 3-6 nests per 3-week tracking period. Nests were usually only used consecutively for one or two nights, and different nests were used to different extents. A different set of nests tended to be used in different months. Nests showed some tendency to be located at one end of the home range. Nesting areas used by different individuals overlapped.

© CSIRO 1993

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