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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Evaluation of a Warfarin Poisoning Programme for Feral Pigs (Sus Scrofa).

G Saunders, B Kay and B Parker

Australian Wildlife Research 17(5) 525 - 533
Published: 1990


A warfarin poisoning programme to control feral pigs was evaluated on agricultural land in eastern Australia between July and September, 1987. The estimated total population before the poisoning programme was 189 pigs within the 94.4 km2 study area. Poisoned and free-fed bait was offered initially at 69 sites and over a period of 57 days. Only two pregnant sows were believed to have survived the programme which was equivalent to a 98.9% reduction. As a result of breeding and re-invasion a further 38 pigs were removed in the 12 months after the control programme. Cost of initial control was $A39 per pig while cost of maintenance control was $A47 per pig.

© CSIRO 1990

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