Macropod Studies at Wallaby Creek. Viil. Capture of Wild Red-Necked Wallabies by 'blow-Darting'.
K Higginbottom
Australian Wildlife Research
16(2) 173 - 178
Published: 1989
Wild red-necked wallabies, Macropus rufogriseus banksianus, which had been habituated to observers, were captured by blow-darting with a xylazine-ketamine mixture and released after injecting with yohimbine, a reversing agent. The drugs caused rapid immobilisation and unconsciousness, with no side effects. Recovery was rapid and non-traumatic provided animals were undisturbed while they regained consciousness. No mortality or lasting damage occurred, and the approachability and observability of wallabies were unaffected by darting. The technique is, thus, an improvement on past methods of capture in situations where animals can be approached closely enough for darting.
© CSIRO 1989