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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Use of Nest Boxes by Mardos, Antechinus-Flavipes-Leucogaster, in Regenerating Karri Forest in South Western Australia

G Wardelljohnson

Australian Wildlife Research 13(3) 407 - 417
Published: 1986


All of 36 nest boxes set in 16-y-old regenerating karri forest showed some use by mardos during the spring and summer of 1982-83. Two periods of use were recognized. The first, between late September and early January, was by breeding adult female mardos. Females had 8 young and breeding was synchronous. The numbers of juveniles declined during their period of dependence. The daily activity pattern of an adult female with active young was constant over 21 days of recording. A short interval of lesser use preceded the second period of activity, which was associated with the dispersal phase of juveniles from early February to early April. The use of boxes declined during the winter. A similar pattern of box use was observed during inspections of the nest boxes during 1983-84. Boxes set at three other sites, with different management histories, in the karri forest were used less than those in the 16-y-old regeneration. Explanations of variable use between sites are presented.

© CSIRO 1986

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