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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Dispersal of Silver Gulls, Larus novaehollandiae Stephens, from Breeding Colonies in South Australia

JR Ottaway, R Carrick and MD Murray

Australian Wildlife Research 12(2) 279 - 298
Published: 1985


Dispersal of Larus novaehollandiae Stephens, from 10 colonies in South Australia, was studied during 1968-8 1 by means of bands designed for identification of free-living, uncaptured individuals. Dispersal patterns were characteristic of each colony, even for three colonies which were, at most, 10 km apart. Almost all dispersal records came from the area between Adelaide and Melbourne, and within 30 km of the coast. After breeding, the majority of gulls disperse eastwards; however, dispersal from each colony was correlated with a shift of gull population into areas where food was available from human sources such as rubbish dumps. From colonies 80 km south-east of Adelaide, a major human population, the predominant winter dispersal of these gulls was north-west, into the city and suburbs. The maximum direct-line dispersal distances recorded for 95% of the 3133 resighted gulls were <458 km. The greatest direct-line distance recorded was 1430 km. Overall, there was no significant difference in the mean dispersal distances of juveniles and adults, although at distances >480 km significantly more juveniles (<2y) were seen than adults (>2y). This involved only 2.5% of the total number of birds resighted. It is suggested that older, dominant birds maintain high status at preferred feeding places, and juveniles are possibly more erratic in their movements, as they search for food. This would account for the difference in the dispersal ofjuveniles and adults from a particular colony, and also for the significantly higher proportion of juveniles found at extreme distances from their natal colonies.

© CSIRO 1985

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