Balancing act: evaluating non-target risks of feral cat management in conservation reserves
Mark Cowan A E , Michelle Drew B , Brian Macmahon C and Lesley A. Gibson
E Present address:
Predation by feral cats continues to place substantial pressure on native Australian wildlife, contributing to significant population declines and localised extirpations of susceptible species. In Western Australia (WA), the registration of the poison bait Eradicat® provides a tool to help manage these introduced predators, but only in areas where the risk to non-target species is considered acceptable. The red-tailed phascogale (Phascogale calura), a small carnivorous marsupial now restricted to vegetation remnants in the highly fragmented agricultural zone of south-western WA (i.e. the Wheatbelt), is one species that may be vulnerable to lethal ingestion.
To investigate the impact of repeated Eradicat® baiting, to control feral cats, on the activity levels of the red-tailed phascogale, focusing on populations in two Wheatbelt conservation reserves.
We established a novel approach to monitoring red-tailed phascogales by using tree-mounted camera trap arrays in an area with feral cat management using ground-delivered Eradicat® baits, and two control zones with no feral cat management. We examined changes in activity levels (detection rate and occupancy) based on camera trap detections, before and after Eradicat® application, across two autumn and two spring baiting events. We also investigated non-target bait uptake using camera traps.
Although a small number of baits (7/60) was removed by red-tailed phascogales from the field of view of a camera, our results showed no overall impact of Eradicat® on their activity levels within the study area. Tree-mounted camera traps proved to be highly effective and efficient at detecting red-tailed phascogales. To maximise camera detections, the optimal time for monitoring red-tailed phascogales is during autumn, prior to male die-off.
Our results suggested that the risk posed to red-tailed phascogale populations from the repeated use of Eradicat® baits is likely to be low.
Integrating the application of Eradicat® to control feral cats with existing fox control in conservation reserves that support populations of red-tailed phascogales is likely to pose minimal risk to the species.
Keywords: arboreal camera monitoring, carnivorous marsupial, conservation management, Eradicat® baits, introduced predator control, non-target impacts, red-tailed phascogale, Wheatbelt reserves.
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