Effects of bait type and deployment strategy on uptake by free-living badgers
Francesca Cagnacci A B , Giovanna Massei A , David P. Cowan A , Neil Walker A and Richard J. Delahay AA Central Science Laboratory, Sand Hutton, York Y041 1 LZ, United Kingdom.
B Corresponding author. Present address: Centre for Alpine Ecology, Viote del Monte Bondone, 38040 Trento, Italy. Email: cagnacci@cealp.it
Wildlife Research 34(6) 454-460 https://doi.org/10.1071/WR07026
Submitted: 27 February 2007 Accepted: 31 August 2007 Published: 2 November 2007
Baits are increasingly used in wildlife management to deliver orally administered vaccines and contraceptives. The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of vaccination or fertility-control campaigns can be substantially affected by bait uptake rates. This study assessed whether bait type and deployment strategy affected bait uptake by free-living badgers (Meles meles L.). Six social groups of badgers were presented with three bait types (meat, fruit, cereals) and two deployment strategies (dispersed single baits versus aggregated multiple baits at fixed baiting stations) for six weeks. In each social group, the type of bait and deployment strategy were rotated every week so that by the end of the test every group had experienced all combinations. On three days, biomarkers (ethyl iophenoxic acid, propyl iophenoxic acid and rhodamine B) were added to the baits to determine the proportion of badgers ingesting these baits. The results indicated that both bait type and deployment strategy affected the proportion of baits eaten by badgers and the number of badgers gaining access to baits. Meat and fruit baits were taken significantly more frequently than cereals, and dispersed meat baits had the highest rates of disappearance. Biomarker levels suggested that the proportion of badgers that gained access to all baits was substantially lower when baits were aggregated, although small sample sizes prevented statistical assessment of this effect. The results suggest that dispersed single baits are likely to be consumed in greater proportions by a higher number of individual badgers than multiple baits at fixed stations.
This study was funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK. Fieldwork in Woodchester Park was carried out with the kind permission of The National Trust. We thank the Woodchester Park field team and Gavin Western for helping with fieldwork. We are also grateful to Anton de Leeuw, John Woods, Allan Nadian and Roger Quy for useful discussion and advice. Bryony Tolhurst and two anonymous referees provided helpful comments on earlier drafts.
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