Nicarbazin bait reduces reproduction by pigeons (Columba livia)
Michael L. Avery A B , Kandy L. Keacher A and Eric A. Tillman AA USDA-APHIS National Wildlife Research Center, Florida Field Station, 2820 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32641, USA.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Wildlife Research 35(1) 80-85
Submitted: 9 February 2007 Accepted: 17 December 2007 Published: 17 March 2008
Development of effective methods for reducing populations of overabundant nuisance bird species continues to challenge wildlife biologists. Reproductive inhibition, although conceptually pleasing, has been difficult to implement because of the lack of a safe, approved avian contraceptive. Recently, however, nicarbazin received regulatory approval in the United States for use as a bait to decrease hatchability of resident Canada goose (Branta canadensis) and feral pigeon (Columba livia) eggs. In anticipation of the feral pigeon registration, we evaluated efficacy by exposing captive pairs of nesting pigeons to nicarbazin bait for 4 h daily. Egg production was unaffected, but only 9 of 22 eggs hatched, a 59% reduction from pre-treatment when each of the 11 test pairs produced 2 nestlings. In the recovery phase, when treated bait was removed, the 11 pairs produced 18 nestlings. All nestlings produced during the study appeared healthy and normal, and there was no mortality among the adult pairs. Nicarbazin is an effective and safe means of reducing hatchability of feral pigeon eggs that can be used within an integrated management plan to reduce feral pigeon populations.
Financial support for this study was provided by Innolytics, LLC. Erick Wolf and Alex MacDonald provided advice and technical assistance throughout the study. We thank Carol Furcolow and Marge Goodall at the National Wildlife Research Center in Ft Collins, CO, for analysing blood and egg samples. Assistance with animal care was provided by Eddie Bruce. Review comments provided by Dimitri Giunchi and three anonymous referees are very much appreciated. This research was carried out following animal welfare guidelines and standards of Good Laboratory Practices as specified in the approved USDA/NWRC study protocol QA-1329.
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