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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Body condition and blood chemistry of agile wallabies (Macropus agilis) in the wet–dry tropics

Simon C. Stirrat

Wildlife Research 30(1) 59 - 67
Published: 17 April 2003


Seasonal differences in body condition, haematology and serum chemistry of agile wallabies (Macropus agilis) in the wet–dry tropics are described. The mass of wallabies caught in the dry season was lower than predicted for their body size (on the basis of leg length), indicating that they were in poorer condition in the dry season than in the wet season. Several haematology and serum chemistry values indicated that wallabies captured in the late dry season were in an early stage of undernutrition. Plasma and serum protein, serum albumin and serum urea concentrations, all indicators of recent protein intake, and packed cell volume and mean corpuscular volume were lower in the late dry season. However, the results for energy balance were inconclusive. Serum glucose concentration did not vary between seasons, while cholesterol concentration was lower and non-esterified fatty acid concentration was higher in the dry season. The wallabies foraged for a range of alternative food resources in the dry season, when preferred foods were scarce and of poorer quality. The results presented here indicate that although wallabies broadened their diet in the dry season, they were unable to maintain adequate nutritional intake to prevent loss of body condition.

© CSIRO 2003

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