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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Articles citing this paper

Assuring that 1080 toxicosis in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is humane: fluoroacetic acid (1080) and drug combinations

Clive A. Marks, Charles Hackman, Frank Busana and Frank Gigliotti
27(5) pp.483 - 494

20 articles found in Crossref database.

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Wildlife Research. 2009 36(8). p.709
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Beausoleil NJ, Mellor DJ
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New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 2006 54(6). p.350
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Wildlife Research. 2009 36(4). p.275
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Littin KE, Mellor DJ, Warburton B, Eason CT
New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 2004 52(1). p.1
The Humaneness of Rodent Pest Control
Mason G, Littin K E
Animal Welfare. 2003 12(1). p.1
Assuring that 1080 toxicosis in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is humane. II. Analgesic drugs produce better welfare outcomes
Marks Clive A., Gigliotti Frank, Busana Frank
Wildlife Research. 2009 36(2). p.98
Intoxicação por monofluoroacetato em animais
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Is sodium fluoroacetate (1080) a humane poison?
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Fox control using a para-aminopropiophenone formulation with the M-44 ejector
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