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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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The Age Structure of a Sample of Red Foxes (Vulpes-Vulpes L) Taken by Hunters in Victoria

BJ Coman
15(3) pp.223 - 229

20 articles found in Crossref database.

Opportunistically acquired evidence is unsuitable data to model fox (Vulpes vulpes) distribution in Tasmania
Marks Clive A., Obendorf David, Pereira Filipe, Edwards Ivo, Hall Graham P.
Wildlife Society Bulletin. 2014 38(4). p.757
Strength of asymmetric competition between predators in food webs ruled by fluctuating prey: the case of foxes in tundra
Henden John-André, Ims Rolf A., Yoccoz Nigel G., Hellström Peter, Angerbjörn Anders
Oikos. 2010 119(1). p.27
Did ‘precautionary’ 1080 baiting have a realistic potential to eradicate Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Tasmania without in situ monitoring data?
Marks Clive A., Edwards Ivo, Obendorf David, Pereira Filipe, Hall Graham P.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2014 15(3). p.196
Comparison of methods to detect rare and cryptic species: a case study using the red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Vine S. J., Crowther M. S., Lapidge S. J., Dickman C. R., Mooney N., Piggott M. P., English A. W.
Wildlife Research. 2009 36(5). p.436
Cranial ontogenetic variability, sex ratio and age structure of the Red fox
Hartová-Nentvichová Martina, Anděra Miloš, Hart Vlastimil
Open Life Sciences. 2010 5(6). p.894
Determining the age of adult wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo, C. l. domesticus and their hybrids). I. Pulp cavity:tooth width ratios
Kershaw Kristan, Allen Lee, Lisle Allan, Withers Kerry
Wildlife Research. 2005 32(6). p.581
Fox Serum Proteomics Analysis Suggests Host-Specific Responses to Angiostrongylus vasorum Infection in Canids
Gillis-Germitsch Nina, Kockmann Tobias, Kapel Christian M. O., Thamsborg Stig M., Webster Pia, Tritten Lucienne, Schnyder Manuela
Pathogens. 2021 10(11). p.1513
Slow recruitment in a red-fox population following poison baiting: a non-invasive mark–recapture analysis
Berry Oliver, Tatler Jack, Hamilton Neil, Hilmer Steffi, Hitchen Yvette, Algar Dave
Wildlife Research. 2013 40(7). p.615
Differences in the capture rate of cage‐trapped red foxesVulpes vulpesand an evaluation of rabies control measures in Britain
Baker Philip J., Harris Stephen, Robertson Charles P.J., Saunders Glen, White Piran C.L.
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2001 38(4). p.823
Stability of cabergoline in fox baits in laboratory and field conditions
McLean Stuart, Brandon Susan, Kirkwood Roger
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(3). p.239
Predation by Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) at an Outdoor Piggery
Fleming Patricia, Dundas Shannon, Lau Yvonne, Pluske John
Animals. 2016 6(10). p.60
Measuring Recruitment in an Invasive Species to Determine Eradication Potential
Berry Oliver, Kirkwood Roger
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2010 74(8). p.1661
The dispersion and detection patterns of mtDNA‐assigned red fox Vulpes vulpes scats in Tasmania are anomalous
Marks Clive A, Obendorf David, Pereira Filipe, Edwards Ivo, Hall Graham P, Lukacs Paul
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2014 51(4). p.1033
Habitat related differences in age structure and reproductive parameters of red foxes
Gortázar Christian, Ferreras Pablo, Villafuerte Rafael, Martín María, Blanco Juan Carlos
Acta Theriologica. 2003 48(1). p.93
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Newsome Thomas M., Crowther Mathew S., Dickman Christopher R.
European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2014 60(5). p.749
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Fleming P. J. S., Allen L. R., Lapidge S. J., Robley A., Saunders G. R., Thomson P. C.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(7). p.753
Climatic Suitability, Life‐History Traits, Introduction Effort, and the Establishment and Spread of Introduced Mammals in Australia
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The impacts and management of foxes Vulpes vulpes in Australia
SAUNDERS Glen R., GENTLE Matthew N., DICKMAN Christopher R.
Mammal Review. 2010 40(3). p.181
Can shooting be an effective management tool for foxes? Preliminary insights from a management programme
McLeod Lynette J., Saunders Glen R., Miners Andrew
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2011 12(3). p.224
Lessons from long-term predator control: a case study with the red fox
Kirkwood Roger, Sutherland Duncan R., Murphy Stuart, Dann Peter
Wildlife Research. 2014 41(3). p.222

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