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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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Population Ecology of Mesembriomys-Gouldii (Rodentia, Muridae) in the Wet-Dry Tropics of the Northern-Territory

GR Friend
14(3) pp.293 - 303

29 articles found in Crossref database.

The influence of data source and species distribution modelling method on spatial conservation priorities
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Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2021 9
Reproductive Phenology of Woody Species in a North Australian Tropical Savanna1
Williams Richard J., Myers Bronwyn A., Eamus Derek, Duff Gordon A.
Biotropica. 1999 31(4). p.626
Austral Ark (2014)
Woinarski John C. Z., Burbidge Allan H., Comer Sarah, Harley Dan, Legge Sarah, Lindenmayer David B., Partridge Thalie B.
Environmental relationships of the brush‐tailed rabbit‐rat, Conilurus penicillatus, and other small mammals on the Tiwi Islands, northern Australia
Firth Ronald S. C., Woinarski John C. Z., Brennan Kym G., Hempel Craig
Journal of Biogeography. 2006 33(10). p.1820
The diet of the brush-tailed rabbit-rat (Conilurus penicillatus) from the monsoonal tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia
Firth Ronald S. C., Jefferys Elizabeth, Woinarski John C. Z., Noske Richard A.
Wildlife Research. 2005 32(6). p.517
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Wildlife Research. 2021 49(4). p.335
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Changes in mammal populations in relatively intact landscapes of Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
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Austral Ecology. 2001 26(4). p.360
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Changes in mammal populations in relatively intact landscapes of Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
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Austral Ecology. 2001 26(4). p.360
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Australian Mammalogy. 2018 40(2). p.181
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Wildlife Research. 2006 33(5). p.397
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Wildlife Research. 2005 32(5). p.377
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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2013 113(4). p.319
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Monitoring indicates rapid and severe decline of native small mammals in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia
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Wildlife Research. 2010 37(2). p.116

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