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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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Changes in the Age-Structure and Size of Populations of Wild Rabbits in South Australia, Following the Introduction of European Rabbit Fleas, Spilopsyllus Cuniculi (Dale), as Vectors of Myxomatosis.

BD Cooke
10(1) pp.105 - 120

23 articles found in Crossref database.

The control of vertebrate pests by vertebrate predators
Newsome A.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 1990 5(6). p.187
The Economic Benefits of the Biological Control of Rabbits inAustralia, 1950–2011
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Australian Economic History Review. 2013 53(1). p.91
Models of spatiotemporal variation in rabbit abundance reveal management hot spots for an invasive species
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Australian Mammalogy. 2019 41(1). p.112
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Vander Wal E., Garant D., Festa-Bianchet M., Pelletier F.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2013 368(1610). p.20120090
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Kerr Peter, Liu June, Cattadori Isabella, Ghedin Elodie, Read Andrew, Holmes Edward
Viruses. 2015 7(3). p.1020
How introduced rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus limit the abundance of red kangaroos Macropus rufus and other native grazers in Australia
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Food Webs. 2018 15 p.e00079
Swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) distribution has dramatically increased following sustained biological control of rabbits
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Australian Mammalogy. 2020 42(3). p.321
Pasture plant biomass increase following introduction of European rabbit fleas, Spilopsyllus cuniculi, into Australia to facilitate myxomatosis transmission
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Biological Control. 2021 155 p.104536
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Taggart David A., Finlayson Graeme R., Sparrow Elisa E., Dibben Ron M., Dibben Jason A., Campbell Elizabeth C., Peacock David E., Ostendorf Bertram, White Craig R., Temple‐Smith Peter D.
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2020 84(5). p.921
Microbial Pesticides (2021)
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Biological Control. 2010 52(3). p.288
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Oecologia. 1989 78(4). p.458
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The future biological control of pest populations of European rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus
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Myxomatosis in Australia and Europe: A model for emerging infectious diseases
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Diversity. 2023 15(11). p.1153
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Fifty-year review: European rabbit fleas,
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Wildlife Research. 2022 50(1). p.4

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