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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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21 articles found in Crossref database.

Predation event and shelter site use by a threatened monitor lizard, Varanus rosenbergi, in the Little Desert, Victoria
Westaway Dylan M., Thorpe Mirinda, Hosking Iestyn
Austral Ecology. 2024 49(4).
Attenuated post-fire fauna succession: the effects of surrounding landscape context on post-fire colonisation of fauna
Simms Angela, Scott Meaghan, Watson Simon, Leonard Steve
Wildlife Research. 2019 46(3). p.247
Improving Terrestrial Squamate Surveys with Camera-Trap Programming and Hardware Modifications
Welbourne D. J., Claridge A. W., Paull D. J., Ford F.
Animals. 2019 9(6). p.388
Turning ghosts into dragons: improving camera monitoring outcomes for a cryptic low-density Komodo dragon population in eastern Indonesia
Purwandana Deni, Ariefiandy Achmad, Azmi Muhammad, Nasu Sanggar A., Sahudin , Dos Andreas A., Jessop Tim S.
Wildlife Research. 2021 49(4). p.295
Methods for wildlife monitoring in tropical forests: Comparing human observations, camera traps, and passive acoustic sensors
Zwerts Joeri A., Stephenson P. J., Maisels Fiona, Rowcliffe Marcus, Astaras Christos, Jansen Patrick A., van der Waarde Jaap, Sterck Liesbeth E. H. M., Verweij Pita A., Bruce Tom, Brittain Stephanie, van Kuijk Marijke
Conservation Science and Practice. 2021 3(12).
First you get the money, then you get the power: Comparing the cost and power of monitoring programs to detect changes in occupancy of a threatened marsupial predator
Moore Harry A., Dunlop Judy A., Geyle Hayley M., Greenwood Leanne, Nimmo Dale G.
Conservation Science and Practice. 2023 5(2).
A review of wildlife camera trapping trends across Africa
Agha Mickey, Batter Tom, Bolas Ellen C., Collins Amy C., Gomes da Rocha Daniel, Monteza‐Moreno Claudio M., Preckler‐Quisquater Sophie, Sollmann Rahel
African Journal of Ecology. 2018 56(4). p.694
Gaps in Monitoring Leave Northern Australian Mammal Fauna with Uncertain Futures
Preece Noel, Fitzsimons James
Diversity. 2022 14(3). p.158
The scientific, financial and ethical implications of three common wildlife-trapping designs
Waudby Helen P., Petit Sophie, Gill Matthew J.
Wildlife Research. 2019 46(8). p.690
Spatial prioritisation of survey and management efforts for a threatened pygopodid in south-western New South Wales
Waudby Helen P., Turak Eren, Callister Kate, Florentine Singarayer, Westbrooke Martin, Palmer Grant, Dayman Ray, Law Brad
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2023 71(1).
The effect of camera orientation on the detectability of wildlife: a case study from north‐western Australia
Moore Harry A., Valentine Leonie E., Dunlop Judy A., Nimmo Dale G., Rowcliffe Marcus, Caravaggi Anthony
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 2020 6(4). p.546
State-dependent movement choices of desert lizards: The role of behavioural thermoregulation during summer and winter
Stark Gavin, Ma Liang, Zeng Zhi-Gao, Du Wei-Guo, Levy Ofir
Journal of Thermal Biology. 2024 121 p.103841
Spot on: using camera traps to individually monitor one of the world’s largest lizards
Moore Harry A., Champney Jacob L., Dunlop Judy A., Valentine Leonie E., Nimmo Dale G.
Wildlife Research. 2020 47(4). p.326
eDNA metabarcoding of log hollow sediments and soils highlights the importance of substrate type, frequency of sampling and animal size, for vertebrate species detection
Ryan Ethan, Bateman Philip, Fernandes Kristen, van der Heyde Mieke, Nevill Paul
Environmental DNA. 2022 4(4). p.940
Estimating the effectiveness of using wildlife cameras versus visual-encounter surveys to detect herpetofauna
Brown Ally K., Hannon Devyn A., Maerz John C., Dundas Shannon
Wildlife Research. 2023 51(1).
Pits or pictures: a comparative study of camera traps and pitfall trapping to survey small mammals and reptiles
Dundas Shannon J., Ruthrof Katinka X., Hardy Giles E. St.J., Fleming Patricia A.
Wildlife Research. 2019 46(2). p.104
Camera-traps are a cost-effective method for surveying terrestrial squamates: A comparison with artificial refuges and pitfall traps
Welbourne Dustin J., Claridge Andrew W., Paull David J., Ford Frederick, Allen Benjamin Lee
PLOS ONE. 2020 15(1). p.e0226913
Searching for rare and secretive snakes: are camera-trap and box-trap methods interchangeable?
Neuharth Dalton B., Ryberg Wade A., Adams Connor S., Hibbitts Toby J., Walkup Danielle K., Frizzell Shelby L., Johnson Timothy E., Pierce Brian L., Pierce Josh B., Rudolph D. Craig
Wildlife Research. 2020 47(6). p.476
The potential predators of pancake tortoises ( Malacochersus tornieri ) in Kenya
Ngwava Jacob Mueti, Xiao Fanrong, Malonza Patrick Kinyatta, Bwong Beryl Akoth, Shi Hai-Tao
African Zoology. 2024 59(2). p.66
A phylogeny-informed characterisation of global tetrapod traits addresses data gaps and biases
Moura Mario R., Ceron Karoline, Guedes Jhonny J. M., Chen-Zhao Rosana, Sica Yanina V., Hart Julie, Dorman Wendy, Portmann Julia M., González-del-Pliego Pamela, Ranipeta Ajay, Catenazzi Alessandro, Werneck Fernanda P., Toledo Luís Felipe, Upham Nathan S., Tonini João F. R., Colston Timothy J., Guralnick Robert, Bowie Rauri C. K., Pyron R. Alexander, Jetz Walter, Ramakrishnan Uma
PLOS Biology. 2024 22(7). p.e3002658
Reaching New Heights: Arboreal Camera Trapping Provides New Insights on the Ecology of Gray Treefrogs (Hyla versicolor)
Olson Erik R., Laughlin Madison M., Martin Jonathan G.
Journal of Herpetology. 2023 57(3).

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