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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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Indexing principles and a widely applicable paradigm for indexing animal populations

Richard M. Engeman A
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A National Wildlife Research Center, 4101 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521-2154, USA. Email:

Wildlife Research 32(3) 203-210
Submitted: 22 December 2003  Accepted: 3 March 2005   Published: 22 June 2005

115 articles found in Crossref database.

Designing a large‐scale track‐based monitoring program to detect changes in species distributions in arid Australia
Southwell Darren, Skroblin Anja, Moseby Katherine, Southgate Richard, Indigo Naomi, Backhouse Brett, Bellchambers Keith, Brandle Robert, Brenton Peter, Copley Peter, Dziminski Martin A., Galindez‐Silva Carolina, Lynch Catherine, Newman Peggy, Pedler Reece, Rogers Daniel, Roshier David A., Ryan‐Colton Ellen, Tuft Katherine, Ward Matt, Zurell Damaris, Legge Sarah
Ecological Applications. 2023 33(2).
Timing of spring surveys for midcontinent sandhill cranes
Pearse Aaron T., Krapu Gary L., Brandt David A., Sargeant Glen A.
Wildlife Society Bulletin. 2015 39(1). p.87
A comparison of methods for estimating common vole (Microtus arvalis) abundance in agricultural habitats
Jareño Daniel, Viñuela Javier, Luque-Larena Juan José, Arroyo Leticia, Arroyo Beatriz, Mougeot François
Ecological Indicators. 2014 36 p.111
Long‐term patterns in Iberian hare population dynamics in a protected area (Doñana National Park) in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula: Effects of weather conditions and plant cover
CARRO Francisco, SORIGUER Ramón C.
Integrative Zoology. 2017 12(1). p.49
Interspecies interference and monitoring duration affect detection rates in chew cards
Burge Olivia R., Kelly Dave, Wilmshurst Janet M.
Austral Ecology. 2017 42(5). p.522
A comparison of methods for monitoring a sparse population of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) subject to lethal control using GPS telemetry, camera traps and sand plots
Carter Andrew, Potts Joanne M., Stephens Joanne, Roshier David A., Ferreira Catarina Campos
Wildlife Research. 2022 50(5). p.366
Population assessment without individual identification using camera-traps: A comparison of four methods
Santini Giacomo, Abolaffio Milo, Ossi Federico, Franzetti Barbara, Cagnacci Francesca, Focardi Stefano
Basic and Applied Ecology. 2022 61 p.68
Cautionary considerations for positive dingo management: a response to the Johnson and Ritchie critique of Fleming et al. (2012)
Fleming Peter J. S., Allen Benjamin L., Ballard Guy-Anthony
Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(1). p.15
Impacts of introduced European hedgehogs on endemic skinks and weta in tussock grassland
Jones C., Norbury G., Bell T.
Wildlife Research. 2013 40(1). p.36
Is restocking a useful tool for increasing rabbit densities?
Carro Francisco, Ortega Mónica, Soriguer Ramón C.
Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019 17 p.e00560
Applied Population and Community Ecology: The Case of Feral Pigs in Australia (2012)
Terrestrial mesopredators did not increase after top-predator removal in a large-scale experimental test of mesopredator release theory
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Scientific Reports. 2021 11(1).
Fluctuations in bush and rock Hyrax (Hyracoidea: Procaviidae) Abundances Over a 13-Year Period in the Matopos, Zimbabwe
Barry Ronald E., Chiweshe Ngoni, Mundy Peter J.
African Journal of Wildlife Research. 2015 45(1). p.17
Monitoring cryptic amphibians and reptiles in a Florida state park
Engeman Richard M., Meshaka Walter E., Severson Robert, Severson Mary Ann, Kaufman Greg, Groninger N. Paige, Smith Henry T.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016 23(7). p.7032
The pitfalls of wildlife camera trapping as a survey tool in Australia
Meek Paul D., Ballard Guy-Anthony, Fleming Peter J. S.
Australian Mammalogy. 2015 37(1). p.13
Analyzing patterns in population dynamics using repeated population surveys with three types of detection data
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Ecological Indicators. 2019 106 p.105546
Effectiveness of rodenticides for managing invasive roof rats and native deer mice in orchards
Baldwin Roger A., Quinn Niamh, Davis David H., Engeman Richard M.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014 21(9). p.5795
Development of an index of abundance for pygmy rabbit populations
Price Amanda J., Rachlow Janet L.
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2011 75(4). p.929
How many macropods?A manager’s guide to small‐scale population surveys of kangaroos and wallabies
Coulson Graeme, Snape Melissa A., Cripps Jemma K.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2021 22(S1). p.75
Are abundance indices derived from spotlight counts reliable to monitor red deer Cervus elaphus populations?
Garel Mathieu, Bonenfant Christophe, Hamann Jean‐Luc, Klein François, Gaillard Jean‐Michel
Wildlife Biology. 2010 16(1). p.77
Are we getting the full picture? Animal responses to camera traps and implications for predator studies
Meek Paul, Ballard Guy, Fleming Peter, Falzon Greg
Ecology and Evolution. 2016 6(10). p.3216
Road hogs: Implications from GPS collared feral swine in pastureland habitat on the general utility of road-based observation techniques for assessing abundance
Boughton Raoul K., Allen Benjamin L., Tillman Eric A., Wisely Samantha M., Engeman Richard M.
Ecological Indicators. 2019 99 p.171
Stress Triangle: Do Introduced Predators Exert Indirect Costs on Native Predators and Prey?
Anson Jennifer R., Dickman Chris R., Boonstra Rudy, Jessop Tim S., Somers Michael
PLoS ONE. 2013 8(4). p.e60916
Shrub encroachment affects mammalian carnivore abundance and species richness in semiarid rangelands
Blaum Niels, Rossmanith Eva, Popp Alexander, Jeltsch Florian
Acta Oecologica. 2007 31(1). p.86
The Use of an Orthotic Casting Foam as a Track‐Plate Medium for Wildlife Research and Monitoring
Hooper Justin, Rea Roy V.
Wildlife Biology. 2009 15(1). p.106
Camera traps and activity signs to estimate wild boar density and derive abundance indices
Massei Giovanna, Coats Julia, Lambert Mark Simon, Pietravalle Stephane, Gill Robin, Cowan Dave
Pest Management Science. 2018 74(4). p.853
Impacts from control operations on a recreationally hunted feral swine population at a large military installation in Florida
Engeman Richard, Hershberger Troy, Orzell Steve, Felix Rodney, Killian Gary, Woolard John, Cornman Jon, Romano David, Huddleston Chet, Zimmerman Pat, Barre Chris, Tillman Eric, Avery Michael
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014 21(12). p.7689
Study design concepts for inferring functional roles of mammalian top predators
Engeman Richard M., Allen Lee R., Allen Benjamin L.
Food Webs. 2017 12 p.56
A multivariate geostatistical framework for combining multiple indices of abundance for disease vectors and reservoirs: a case study ofrattinessin a low-income urban Brazilian community
Eyre Max T., Carvalho-Pereira Ticiana S. A., Souza Fábio N., Khalil Hussein, Hacker Kathryn P., Serrano Soledad, Taylor Joshua P., Reis Mitermayer G., Ko Albert I., Begon Mike, Diggle Peter J., Costa Federico, Giorgi Emanuele
Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 2020 17(170). p.20200398
Evaluation of an enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocol in Salmonella contaminated pig holdings in the United Kingdom
Martelli Francesca, Lambert Mark, Butt Paul, Cheney Tanya, Tatone Fabrizio Antonio, Callaby Rebecca, Rabie André, Gosling Rebecca J., Fordon Steve, Crocker Graham, Davies Robert H., Smith Richard Piers, Butaye Patrick
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(6). p.e0178897
Impact of Hurricane Dean (2007) on Game Species of the Selva Maya, Mexico
Ramírez‐Barajas Pablo J., Islebe Gerald A., Calmé Sophie
Biotropica. 2012 44(3). p.402
Can we save large carnivores without losing large carnivore science?
Allen Benjamin L., Allen Lee R., Andrén Henrik, Ballard Guy, Boitani Luigi, Engeman Richard M., Fleming Peter J.S., Ford Adam T., Haswell Peter M., Kowalczyk Rafał, Linnell John D.C., David Mech L., Parker Daniel M.
Food Webs. 2017 12 p.64
Diverse examples from managing invasive vertebrate species on inhabited islands of the United States
Engeman Richard M., Avery Michael L., Shiels Aaron B., Berentsen Are R., VerCauteren Kurt C., Sugihara Robert T., Duffiney Anthony G., Clark Craig S., Eisemann John D.
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. 2018 25(1). p.43
Demographic and functional responses of wild dogs to poison baiting
Allen Lee R.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2015 16(1). p.58
Fencing for Conservation (2012)
de Tores Paul J., Marlow Nicky
Evaluating the efficacy of a landscape scale feral cat control program using camera traps and occupancy models
Comer Sarah, Speldewinde Peter, Tiller Cameron, Clausen Lucy, Pinder Jeff, Cowen Saul, Algar Dave
Scientific Reports. 2018 8(1).
Evidence of significantly higher island feral cat abundance compared with the adjacent mainland
Taggart Patrick L., Fancourt Bronwyn A., Bengsen Andrew J., Peacock David E., Hodgens Patrick, Read John L., McAllister Milton M., Caraguel Charles G. B.
Wildlife Research. 2019 46(5). p.378
Rapid assessment for a new invasive species threat: the case of the Gambian giant pouched rat in Florida
Engeman Richard, Woolard John W., Perry Neil D., Witmer Gary, Hardin Scott, Brashears Lawrence, Smith Henry, Muiznieks Britta, Constantin Bernice
Wildlife Research. 2006 33(6). p.439
A new PCR assay for reliable molecular sexing of endangered Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) from non-invasive genetic samples
Lachish Shelly, Passmore Abraham, Jones Menna
Conservation Genetics Resources. 2011 3(2). p.279
Evaluation of estimation quality of a general paradigm for indexing animal abundance when observations are counts
Shulman Benjamin, Wagner Brandie D., Grunwald Gary K., Engeman Richard M.
Ecological Informatics. 2016 32 p.194
Environmental effects are stronger than human effects on mammalian predator-prey relationships in arid Australian ecosystems
Allen Benjamin L., Fawcett Alana, Anker Alison, Engeman Richard M., Lisle Allan, Leung Luke K.-P.
Science of The Total Environment. 2018 610-611 p.451
Power of faecal pellet count and camera trapping indices to monitor mammalian herbivore activity
Davis Naomi E., Di Stefano Julian, Whelan Jim, Wright John, Taylor Lorraine, Coulson Graeme, Sitters Holly, Sullivan Tom
Wildlife Research. 2022 49(8). p.686
Rapid assessment of wildlife abundance: estimating animal density with track counts using body mass–day range scaling rules
Keeping D.
Animal Conservation. 2014 17(5). p.486
Evaluating methods to detect and monitor populations of a large invasive lizard: the Argentine giant tegu
Engeman Richard M., Kaiser Bernard W., Osorio Kimberly J.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019 26(31). p.31717
Informing the design of a long-term population density monitoring protocol for a Nationally Endangered grasshopper: removal sampling as a basis for estimating individual detection probabilities
Schori J. C., Steeves T. E., Murray T. J.
Journal of Insect Conservation. 2020 24(5). p.841
Estimating and indexing feral cat population abundances using camera traps
Bengsen Andrew, Butler John, Masters Pip
Wildlife Research. 2011 38(8). p.732
An evaluation of population indices for northern bobwhite
Kubečka Bradley W., Edwards John T., LaCoste Lloyd M., Rollins Dale, Hernández Fidel, Perotto‐Baldivieso Humberto L.
Wildlife Society Bulletin. 2019 43(2). p.291
Mammal responses to the human footprint vary across species and stressors
Toews Mary, Juanes Francis, Burton A. Cole
Journal of Environmental Management. 2018 217 p.690
Using simulation to explore the functional relationships of terrestrial carnivore population indices
MacFarland David M., Van Deelen Timothy R.
Ecological Modelling. 2011 222(15). p.2761
Sympatric prey responses to lethal top-predator control: predator manipulation experiments
Allen Benjamin L, Allen Lee R, Engeman Richard M, Leung Luke K-P
Frontiers in Zoology. 2014 11(1).
Using morphometrics to quantitatively differentiate African wild dog footprints from domestic dog footprints – a pilot study
Scharis Inger, Rasmussen Gregory S. A., Laska Matthias
African Journal of Ecology. 2016 54(1). p.3
Latrine counts to estimate wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) density as a tool for biodiversity conservation and management
Cabezas-Díaz Sara, Virgós Emilio
Ecological Indicators. 2022 145 p.109684
Open source evaluation of kilometric indexes of abundance
Preatoni Damiano G., Tattoni Clara, Bisi Francesco, Masseroni Elisa, D'Acunto Davide, Lunardi Stefano, Grimod Ivana, Martinoli Adriano, Tosi Guido
Ecological Informatics. 2012 7(1). p.35
Rapid recolonisation of feral cats following intensive culling in a semi-isolated context
Palmas Pauline, Gouyet Raphaël, Oedin Malik, Millon Alexandre, Cassan Jean-Jérôme, Kowi Jenny, Bonnaud Elsa, Vidal Eric
NeoBiota. 2020 63 p.177
Using a general index approach to analyze camera‐trap abundance indices
Bengsen Andrew J., Leung Luke K.‐P., Lapidge Steven J., Gordon Iain J.
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2011 75(5). p.1222
Shedding light on long-term trends in Mediterranean carnivore populations: five species, one scenario, different responses
Sereno-Cadierno Jorge, Soriguer Ramón C., Carro Francisco
European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2023 69(3).
On Valuing Information in Adaptive‐Management Models
Conservation Biology. 2010 24(4). p.984
Monitoring wild pig populations: a review of methods
Engeman R. M., Massei G., Sage M., Gentle M. N.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013 20(11). p.8077
Evaluating Abundance Estimate Precision and the Assumptions of a Count‐Based Index for Small Mammals
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2009 73(5). p.761
Burmese pythons in Florida: A synthesis of biology, impacts, and management tools
Guzy Jacquelyn C., Falk Bryan G., Smith Brian J., Willson John David, Reed Robert N., Aumen Nicholas G., Avery Michael L., Bartoszek Ian A., Campbell Earl, Cherkiss Michael S., Claunch Natalie M., Currylow Andrea F., Dean Tylan, Dixon Jeremy, Engeman Richard, Funck Sarah, Gibble Rebekah, Hengstebeck Kodiak C., Humphrey John S., Hunter Margaret E., Josimovich Jillian M., Ketterlin Jennifer, Kirkland Michael, Mazzotti Frank J., McCleery Robert, Miller Melissa A., McCollister Matthew, Parker M. Rockwell, Pittman Shannon E., Rochford Michael, Romagosa Christina, Roybal Art, Snow Ray W., Spencer McKayla M., Waddle J. Hardin, Yackel Adams Amy A., Hart Kristen M.
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Variable detectability in long-term population surveys of small mammals
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European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2010 56(3). p.261
Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research
Meek P. D., Ballard G., Claridge A., Kays R., Moseby K., O’Brien T., O’Connell A., Sanderson J., Swann D. E., Tobler M., Townsend S.
Biodiversity and Conservation. 2014 23(9). p.2321
A permanent security post for camera trapping
Meek Paul D., Ballard Guy-Anthony, Fleming Peter J. S.
Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(1). p.123
Sampling animal sign in heterogeneous environments: How much is enough?
Holbrook Joseph D., Arkle Robert S., Rachlow Janet L., Vierling Kerri T., Pilliod David S.
Journal of Arid Environments. 2015 119 p.51
The short-term effects of a routine poisoning campaign on the movements and detectability of a social top-predator
Allen Benjamin L., Engeman Richard M., Leung Luke K–P.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014 21(3). p.2178
Seasonal breeding in three sympatric rodent species in semi-arid Tigray, northern Ethiopia
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turns 50
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Barking up the right tree: comparative use of arboreal and terrestrial artificial refuges to survey reptiles in temperate eucalypt woodlands
Michael Damian R., Florance Daniel, Crane Mason, Blanchard Wade, Lindenmayer David B.
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Assessment of methods for estimating wild rabbit population abundance in agricultural landscapes
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Capturing the cryptic: a comparison of detection methods for stoats (Mustela erminea) in alpine habitats
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Impact of Livestock Husbandry on Small‐ and Medium‐Sized Carnivores in Kalahari Savannah Rangelands
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2009 73(1). p.60
The effect of wildfire on population dynamics for two native small mammal species in a coastal heathland in Queensland, Australia
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From species detection to population size indexing: the use of sign surveys for monitoring a rare and otherwise elusive small mammal
Peralta Dinora, Vaz-Freire Teresa, Ferreira Clara, Mendes Tiago, Mira António, Santos Sara, Alves Paulo C., Lambin Xavier, Beja Pedro, Paupério Joana, Pita Ricardo
European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2023 69(1).
Impact of field-edge habitat on mammalian wildlife abundance, distribution, and vectored foodborne pathogens in adjacent crops
Sellers Laurel A., Long Rachael F., Jay-Russell Michele T., Li Xunde, Atwill Edward R., Engeman Richard M., Baldwin Roger A.
Crop Protection. 2018 108 p.1
The demographic consequences of fertility reduction in rats and voles
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Evaluating and validating abundance monitoring methods in the absence of populations of known size: review and application to a passive tracking index
Allen Lee R., Engeman Richard M.
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Testing a passive tracking index for monitoring the endangered Ethiopian wolf
Integrative Zoology. 2009 4(2). p.172
A comparison of abundance and distribution model outputs using camera traps and sign surveys for feral pigs
Risch Derek R., Ringma Jeremy, Honarvar Shaya, Price Melissa R.
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2021 27(2). p.186
Patchiness in distribution of rodents and mustelids in New Zealand forests
Watkins Alison Fern, McWhirter Judith L., King Carolyn M.
Wildlife Research. 2010 37(1). p.13
Examining interactions between dingoes (wild dogs) and mesopredators: the need for caution when interpreting summary data from previously published work
Claridge Andrew W.
Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(2). p.248
Apex predators and the facilitation of resource partitioning among mesopredators
Sivy Kelly J., Pozzanghera Casey B., Colson Kassidy E., Mumma Matthew A., Prugh Laura R.
Oikos. 2018 127(4). p.607
Indexing small mammalian carnivores in the southern Kalahari, South Africa
Blaum Niels, Engeman Richard M., Wasiolka Bernd, Rossmanith Eva
Wildlife Research. 2008 35(1). p.72
Guiding the management of an agricultural pest: Indexing abundance of California meadow voles in artichoke fields
Engeman Richard M., Baldwin Roger A., Stetson Denise I.
Crop Protection. 2016 88 p.53
Detecting pest and prey responses to fox control across the landscape using remote cameras
Towerton Alison L., Penman Trent D., Kavanagh Rodney P., Dickman Christopher R.
Wildlife Research. 2011 38(3). p.208
Investigating the feasibility of a passive tracking index for monitoring wildlife in the Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Engeman Richard M., Evangilista Paul
African Journal of Ecology. 2007 45(2). p.184
Antipredator responses of koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) against introduced and native predators
Cruz Jennyffer, Sutherland Duncan R., Anderson Dean P., Glen Alistair S., de Tores Paul J., Leung Luke K.-P.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2013 67(8). p.1329
Cats (Felis catus) are more abundant and are the dominant predator of woylies (Bettongia penicillata) after sustained fox (Vulpes vulpes) control
Marlow Nicola J., Thomas Neil D., Williams Andrew A. E., Macmahon Brian, Lawson John, Hitchen Yvette, Angus John, Berry Oliver
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2015 63(1). p.18
Designing a camera trap monitoring program to measure efficacy of invasive predator management
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Wildlife Research. 2019 46(2). p.154
On bias, precision and accuracy in wildlife aerial surveys
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Wildlife Research. 2008 35(4). p.253
Validating activity indices from camera traps for commensal rodents and other wildlife in and around farm buildings
Lambert Mark, Bellamy Fiona, Budgey Richard, Callaby Rebecca, Coats Julia, Talling Janet
Pest Management Science. 2018 74(1). p.70
Control of pest mammals for biodiversity protection in Australia. I. Patterns of control and monitoring
Reddiex Ben, Forsyth David M., McDonald-Madden Eve, Einoder Luke D., Griffioen Peter A., Chick Ryan R., Robley Alan J.
Wildlife Research. 2006 33(8). p.691
Top-predator removal does not cause trophic cascades in Australian rangeland ecosystems
Castle Geoff, Smith Deane, Allen Lee R., Carter John, Elsworth Peter, Allen Benjamin L.
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Long-term automated monitoring of the distribution of small carnivores
King C. M., McDonald R. M., Martin R. D., Tempero G. W., Holmes S. J.
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(2). p.140
Invasive feral swine damage to globally imperiled steephead ravine habitats and influences from changes in population control effort, climate, and land use
Engeman Richard M., Laine Erica, Allen John, Preston Jeremy, Pizzolato William, Williams Brett, Kreider Amanda Stevens, Teague Dennis
Biodiversity and Conservation. 2019 28(5). p.1109
Raccoon abundance indexing and removal: implications for Blanding’s turtle nest success
Rutter Andrew U., Vanek John P., Glowacki Gary A., Golba Callie K., King Richard B., Pullins Craig K., Smith Wesley E., Webb Jonathan
Wildlife Research. 2023 51(1).
Monitoring population size of mammals using a spotlight-count-based abundance index: How to relate the number of counts to the precision?
Aubry Philippe, Pontier Dominique, Aubineau Jacky, Berger Francis, Léonard Yves, Mauvy Bernard, Marchandeau Stéphane
Ecological Indicators. 2012 18 p.599
The use of faeces counts to estimate relative densities of wild boar in a Mediterranean area
Ferretti Francesco, Fattorini Lorenzo, Sforzi Andrea, Pisani Caterina
Population Ecology. 2016 58(2). p.329
Calibration of a burrow count index for the Indian desert jird, Meriones hurrianae
Ramesh Divya, Home Chandrima, Jhala Yadvendradev V., Qureshi Qamar
Population Ecology. 2013 55(1). p.241
Eradication of feral swine from a barrier island in Florida, USA: an examination of effort and multi-method, multi-species population indexing
Engeman Richard M., Tillman Eric A., Evans Betsy A., Griffin John C., Grobaski Garrison, Smith Bradley S., Stark John, Kluever Bryan M.
NeoBiota. 2024 93 p.91
Influence of camera-trap sampling design on mammal species capture rates and community structures in southeastern Brazil
Srbek-Araujo Ana Carolina, Chiarello Adriano Garcia
Biota Neotropica. 2013 13(2). p.51
Effects of low-level culling of feral cats in open populations: a case study from the forests of southern Tasmania
Lazenby Billie T., Mooney Nicholas J., Dickman Christopher R.
Wildlife Research. 2014 41(5). p.407
Developing an effective strategy for indexing roof rat abundance in citrus orchards
Baldwin Roger A., Meinerz Ryan
Crop Protection. 2022 151 p.105837
Unexpected involvement of a second rodent species makes impacts of introduced rats more difficult to detect
Lambert M., Carlisle S., Cain I., Douse A., Watt L.
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Long-term decline of the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in south-western Spain
Moreno Sacramento, Beltrán Juan F., Cotilla Irene, Kuffner Beatriz, Laffite Rafael, Jordán Gloria, Ayala José, Quintero Carmen, Jiménez Antonio, Castro Francisca, Cabezas Sonia, Villafuerte Rafael
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(8). p.652
Feral swine management for conservation of an imperiled wetland habitat: Florida’s vanishing seepage slopes
Engeman Richard M., Stevens Amanda, Allen John, Dunlap John, Daniel Marty, Teague Dennis, Constantin Bernice
Biological Conservation. 2007 134(3). p.440
Introduced rat assemblage affects feral cat threat to biodiversity in French Polynesian islands
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Wildlife Research. 2023 51(1).
Benefits to rare plants and highway safety from annual population reductions of a “native invader,” white-tailed deer, in a Chicago-area woodland
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Using a general indexing paradigm to monitor rodent populations
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International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2006 58(1). p.2
Combining citizen science and recreational hunters to monitor exotic ungulates and native wildlife in a protected area of northeastern Argentina
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Biological Invasions. 2021 23(12). p.3687
Poor Correlation between Diamondback Terrapin Population Estimates Using Two New Estimation Methods
Prowant Lisa, Burke Russell L.
Diversity. 2020 12(11). p.409
Chew-cards can accurately index invasive rat densities in Mariana Island forests
Hanslowe Emma B., Yackel Adams Amy A., Nafus Melia G., Page Douglas A., Bradke Danielle R., Erickson Francesca T., Bailey Larissa L.
NeoBiota. 2022 74 p.29
Reliable estimates of wild boar populations by nocturnal distance sampling
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Wildlife Biology. 2020 2020(4). p.1
Camera Trap Methods and Drone Thermal Surveillance Provide Reliable, Comparable Density Estimates of Large, Free-Ranging Ungulates
Baldwin Robert W., Beaver Jared T., Messinger Max, Muday Jeffrey, Windsor Matt, Larsen Gregory D., Silman Miles R., Anderson T. Michael
Animals. 2023 13(11). p.1884
As clear as mud: A critical review of evidence for the ecological roles of Australian dingoes
Allen Benjamin L., Fleming Peter J.S., Allen Lee R., Engeman Richard M., Ballard Guy, Leung Luke K.-P.
Biological Conservation. 2013 159 p.158
Impact on predation of sea turtle nests when predator control was removed midway through the nesting season
Engeman Richard M., Martin R. Erik, Smith Henry T., Woolard John, Crady Carrie K., Constantin Bernice, Stahl Margo, Groninger N. Paige
Wildlife Research. 2006 33(3). p.187

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