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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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Koala mortality on roads in south-east Queensland: the koala speed-zone trial

David S. Dique, Jim Thompson, Harriet J. Preece, Guy C. Penfold, Deidré L. de Villiers and Ros S. Leslie
30(4) pp.419 - 426

107 articles found in Crossref database.

Do Livestock Injure and Kill Koalas? Insights from Wildlife Hospital and Rescue Group Admissions and an Online Survey of Livestock–Koala Conflicts
Jiang Alex, Tribe Andrew, Phillips Clive J. C., Murray Peter J.
Animals. 2021 11(9). p.2684
The causes and prognoses of different types of fractures in wild koalas submitted to wildlife hospitals
Henning Joerg, Hannon Christabel, McKinnon Allan, Larkin Rebecca, Allavena Rachel
Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2015 122(3). p.371
Decline causes of Koalas in South East Queensland, Australia: a 17-year retrospective study of mortality and morbidity
Gonzalez-Astudillo Viviana, Allavena Rachel, McKinnon Allan, Larkin Rebecca, Henning Joerg
Scientific Reports. 2017 7(1).
A Necropsy Study of Disease and Comorbidity Trends in Morbidity and Mortality in the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in South-East Queensland, Australia
Gonzalez-Astudillo V., Henning J., Valenza L., Knott L., McKinnon A., Larkin R., Allavena R.
Scientific Reports. 2019 9(1).
High possum mortality on urban roads: implications for the population viability of the common brushtail and the common ringtail possum
Russell Tracey C., Herbert Catherine A., Kohen James L.
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2009 57(6). p.391
Optimal planning for mitigating the impacts of roads on wildlife
Polak Tal, Rhodes Jonathan R., Jones Darryl, Possingham Hugh P., Frair Jacqueline
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2014 51(3). p.726
Movement and dispersal of a habitat specialist in human-dominated landscapes: a case study of the red panda
Bista Damber, Baxter Greg S., Hudson Nicholas J., Lama Sonam Tashi, Weerman Janno, Murray Peter John
Movement Ecology. 2021 9(1).
Antibody and Cytokine Responses of Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) Vaccinated with Recombinant Chlamydial Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP) with Two Different Adjuvants
Khan Shahneaz Ali, Desclozeaux Marion, Waugh Courtney, Hanger Jon, Loader Jo, Gerdts Volker, Potter Andrew, Polkinghorne Adam, Beagley Kenneth, Timms Peter, Murthy Ashlesh K
PLOS ONE. 2016 11(5). p.e0156094
Optimal road design through ecologically sensitive areas considering animal migration dynamics
Davey Nicholas, Dunstall Simon, Halgamuge Saman
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2017 77 p.478
Why humans kill animals and why we cannot avoid it
Allen Benjamin L., Bobier Christopher, Dawson Stuart, Fleming Peter J.S., Hampton Jordan, Jachowski David, Kerley Graham I.H., Linnell John D.C., Marnewick Kelly, Minnie Liaan, Muthersbaugh Mike, O'Riain M. Justin, Parker Dan, Proulx Gilbert, Somers Michael J., Titus Keifer
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Assessing spatio‐temporal priorities for species’ recovery in broad‐scale dynamic landscapes
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Journal of Applied Ecology. 2015 52(4). p.832
The impact of human activities on Australian wildlife
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PLOS ONE. 2019 14(1). p.e0206958
Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (2004)
Goosem Miriam
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Targeted field testing of wildlife road-crossing structures: koalas and canopy rope-bridges
Goldingay Ross L., Taylor Brendan D.
Australian Mammalogy. 2017 39(1). p.100
Modelling of wildlife fatality hotspots along the Snowy Mountain Highway in New South Wales, Australia
Ramp Daniel, Caldwell Joanne, Edwards Kathryn A., Warton David, Croft David B.
Biological Conservation. 2005 126(4). p.474
Humoral immune responses in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) either naturally infected with Chlamydia pecorum or following administration of a recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane protein vaccine
Khan Shahneaz Ali, Polkinghorne Adam, Waugh Courtney, Hanger Jon, Loader Jo, Beagley Kenneth, Timms Peter
Vaccine. 2016 34(6). p.775
Development and application of two multiplex real-time PCR assays for detection and speciation of bacterial pathogens in the koala
Hulse Lyndal S., Hickey Danica, Mitchell Jessica M., Beagley Kenneth W., Ellis William, Johnston Stephen D.
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2018 30(4). p.523
American and Australasian Marsupials (2023)
Fardell Loren L., Dickman Christopher R.
Chlamydia Serine Protease Inhibitor, targeting HtrA, as a New Treatment for Koala Chlamydia infection
Lawrence Amba, Fraser Tamieka, Gillett Amber, Tyndall Joel D. A., Timms Peter, Polkinghorne Adam, Huston Wilhelmina M.
Scientific Reports. 2016 6(1).
Will arboreal mammals use rope-bridges across a highway in eastern Australia?
Goldingay Ross L., Rohweder David, Taylor Brendan D.
Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(1). p.30
Does forest restoration in fragmented landscapes provide habitat for a wide‐ranging carnivore?
McGregor R. A., Stokes V. L., Craig M. D.
Animal Conservation. 2014 17(5). p.467
Reduced availability of habitat structures in urban landscapes: Implications for policy and practice
Le Roux Darren S., Ikin Karen, Lindenmayer David B., Blanchard Wade, Manning Adrian D., Gibbons Philip
Landscape and Urban Planning. 2014 125 p.57
Using multilevel models to identify drivers of landscape‐genetic structure among management areas
Dudaniec Rachael Y., Rhodes Jonathan R., Worthington Wilmer Jessica, Lyons Mitchell, Lee Kristen E., McAlpine Clive A., Carrick Frank N.
Molecular Ecology. 2013 22(14). p.3752
Roads and macropods: interactions and implications
Bond Amy R. F., Jones Darryl N.
Australian Mammalogy. 2014 36(1). p.1
Modeling Species' Distributions to Improve Conservation in Semiurban Landscapes: Koala Case Study
Conservation Biology. 2006 20(2). p.449
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Taggart Patrick L., Sloggett Brie K., Madani George, Phalen David, Cullen Dympna, Madden Kylie, Wilmott Lachlan, Goldingay Ross
Australian Mammalogy. 2023 46(1).
Koalas in space and time: Lessons from 20 years of vehicle‐strike trends and hot spots in South East Queensland
Dexter C. E., Scott J., Blacker A. R. F., Appleby R. G., Kerlin D. H., Jones D. N.
Austral Ecology. 2024 49(2).
Individuals matter: predicting koala road crossing behaviour in south-east Queensland
Dexter C. E., Appleby R. G., Scott J., Edgar J. P., Jones D. N.
Australian Mammalogy. 2018 40(1). p.67
Modelling species distributional shifts across broad spatial extents by linking dynamic occupancy models with public‐based surveys
Santika Truly, McAlpine Clive A., Lunney Daniel, Wilson Kerrie A., Rhodes Jonathan R., Thuiller Wilfried
Diversity and Distributions. 2014 20(7). p.786
Management of multiple threats achieves meaningful koala conservation outcomes
Beyer Hawthorne L., de Villiers Deidre, Loader Jo, Robbins Amy, Stigner Madeleine, Forbes Neil, Hanger Jonathan, González‐Suárez Manuela
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2018 55(4). p.1966
Mammal and bird road mortalities on the Upington to Twee Rivieren main road in the southern Kalahari, South Africa
Bullock K. L., Malan G., Pretorius M. D.
African Zoology. 2011 46(1). p.60
Assessing the impacts of roads in peri-urban reserves: Road-based fatalities and road usage by wildlife in the Royal National Park, New South Wales, Australia
Ramp Daniel, Wilson Vanessa K., Croft David B.
Biological Conservation. 2006 129(3). p.348
Use of expert knowledge to elicit population trends for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Adams‐Hosking Christine, McBride Marissa F., Baxter Greg, Burgman Mark, de Villiers Deidre, Kavanagh Rodney, Lawler Ivan, Lunney Daniel, Melzer Alistair, Menkhorst Peter, Molsher Robyn, Moore Ben D., Phalen David, Rhodes Jonathan R., Todd Charles, Whisson Desley, McAlpine Clive A., Richardson David
Diversity and Distributions. 2016 22(3). p.249
Multiple individual southern brown bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus fusciventer) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes) use underpasses installed at a new highway in Perth, Western Australia
Harris Ian M., Mills Harriet R., Bencini Roberta
Wildlife Research. 2010 37(2). p.127
Wooden poles can provide habitat connectivity for a gliding mammal
Goldingay Ross L., Taylor Brendan D., Ball Tina
Australian Mammalogy. 2011 33(1). p.36
Necropsy findings of koalas from the Mount Lofty Ranges population in South Australia
Speight KN, Hicks P, Graham C, Boardman W, Breed WG, Manthorpe E, Funnell O, Woolford L
Australian Veterinary Journal. 2018 96(5). p.188
Koala immunology and infectious diseases: How much can the koala bear?
Madden Danielle, Whaite Alessandra, Jones Elizabeth, Belov Katherine, Timms Peter, Polkinghorne Adam
Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 2018 82 p.177
Impacts and Potential Mitigation of Road Mortality for Hedgehogs in Europe
Moore Lauren J., Petrovan Silviu O., Baker Philip J., Bates Adam J., Hicks Helen L., Perkins Sarah E., Yarnell Richard W.
Animals. 2020 10(9). p.1523
Koala road kills are linked to landscape attributes on Central Queensland’s Peak Downs Highway
Melzer Alistair, Black Leif, Goldingay Ross
Australian Mammalogy. 2022 44(3). p.319
Characterisation of four major histocompatibility complex class II genes of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Lau Quintin, Jobbins Sarah E., Belov Katherine, Higgins Damien P.
Immunogenetics. 2013 65(1). p.37
Altered Immune Cytokine Expression Associated with KoRV B Infection and Season in Captive Koalas
Maher Iona E., Higgins Damien P., Prentis Peter
PLOS ONE. 2016 11(10). p.e0163780
Using complementary remote detection methods for retrofitted eco-passages: a case study for monitoring individual koalas in south-east Queensland
Dexter C. E., Appleby R. G., Edgar J. P., Scott J., Jones D. N.
Wildlife Research. 2016 43(5). p.369
American and Australasian Marsupials (2023)
Fardell Loren L., Dickman Chris R.
Using integrated population modelling to quantify the implications of multiple threatening processes for a rapidly declining population
Rhodes Jonathan R., Ng Chooi Fei, de Villiers Deidré L., Preece Harriet J., McAlpine Clive A., Possingham Hugh P.
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A Few Large Roads or Many Small Ones? How to Accommodate Growth in Vehicle Numbers to Minimise Impacts on Wildlife
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PLoS ONE. 2014 9(3). p.e91093
Epidemiology of chlamydial infection and disease in a free-ranging koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population
Nyari Sharon, Waugh Courtney A., Dong Jianbao, Quigley Bonnie L., Hanger Jonathan, Loader Joanne, Polkinghorne Adam, Timms Peter, Dean Deborah
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(12). p.e0190114
Nighttime driver detection distances for Tasmanian fauna: informing speed limits to reduce roadkill
Hobday Alistair J.
Wildlife Research. 2010 37(4). p.265
Modelling Genetic Benefits and Financial Costs of Integrating Biobanking into the Captive Management of Koalas
Howell Lachlan G., Johnston Stephen D., O’Brien Justine K., Frankham Richard, Rodger John C., Ryan Shelby A., Beranek Chad T., Clulow John, Hudson Donald S., Witt Ryan R.
Animals. 2022 12(8). p.990
Unusual patterns of tooth wear among koalasPhascolarctos cinereusfrom St Bees Island, Queensland, require re-evaluation of criteria for aging koalas by tooth-wear class
Melzer Alistair, Ellis William, Gordon Greg, Tucker Gail, Kindness Robyn, Carrick Frank
Australian Zoologist. 2011 35(3). p.550
Using expert elicitation to identify effective combinations of management actions for koala conservation in different regional landscapes
Camus Emma B., Rhodes Jonathan R., McAlpine Clive A., Lunney Daniel, Callaghan John, Goldingay Ross, Brace Angie, Hall Murray, Hetherington Scott Benitez, Hopkins Marama, Druzdzel Marek J., Mayfield Helen J., Caley Peter
Wildlife Research. 2022 50(7). p.537
Predicting deer–vehicle collision risk across Victoria, Australia
Davies Christopher, Wright Wendy, Hogan Fiona, Visintin Casey
Australian Mammalogy. 2020 42(3). p.293
Hot moments and hot spots: Identifying factors explaining temporal and spatial variation in turtle road mortality
Cureton James C., Deaton Raelynn
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2012 76(5). p.1047
Recent advances in understanding the biology, epidemiology and control of chlamydial infections in koalas
Polkinghorne Adam, Hanger Jon, Timms Peter
Veterinary Microbiology. 2013 165(3-4). p.214
Factors that drive koala roadkill: an analysis across multiple scales in New South Wales, Australia
Lunney Daniel, Predavec Martin, Sonawane Indrie, Moon Chris, Rhodes Jonathan R., Goldingay Ross
Australian Mammalogy. 2022 44(3). p.328
Time-delayed influence of urban landscape change on the susceptibility of koalas to chlamydiosis
McAlpine Clive, Brearley Grant, Rhodes Jonathan, Bradley Adrian, Baxter Greg, Seabrook Leonie, Lunney Daniel, Liu Yan, Cottin Manuelle, Smith Andrew G., Timms Peter
Landscape Ecology. 2017 32(3). p.663
Journal of JSCE. 2020 8(1). p.1
Genetic diversity of Chlamydia pecorum strains in wild koala locations across Australia and the implications for a recombinant C. pecorum major outer membrane protein based vaccine
Kollipara Avinash, Polkinghorne Adam, Wan Charles, Kanyoka Pride, Hanger Jon, Loader Joanne, Callaghan John, Bell Alicia, Ellis William, Fitzgibbon Sean, Melzer Alistar, Beagley Kenneth, Timms Peter
Veterinary Microbiology. 2013 167(3-4). p.513
Koala conservation in South East Queensland: a shared responsibility
Tkaczynski Aaron, Rundle-Thiele Sharyn
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. 2023 30(1). p.48
Preliminary Characterisation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Interleukin-10 Responses to Chlamydia pecorum Infection in the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Mathew Marina, Beagley Kenneth W., Timms Peter, Polkinghorne Adam, Kaltenboeck Bernhard
PLoS ONE. 2013 8(3). p.e59958
Drought-driven change in wildlife distribution and numbers: a case study of koalas in south west Queensland
Seabrook Leonie, McAlpine Clive, Baxter Greg, Rhodes Jonathan, Bradley Adrian, Lunney Daniel
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Modelling the potential range of the koala at the Last Glacial Maximum: future conservation implications
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Predicting hedgehog mortality risks on British roads using habitat suitability modelling
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Phylogeography of the Koala, (Phascolarctos cinereus), and Harmonising Data to Inform Conservation
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Characterisation of CD4 T cells in healthy and diseased koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) using cell-type-specific monoclonal antibodies
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Defining spatial genetic structure and management units for vulnerable koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the Sydney region, Australia
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Insights from Koala–Cattle Interaction Experiments: Koalas and Cattle May See Each Other as a Disturbance
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Animals. 2022 12(7). p.872
Tree use by koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) after fire in remnant coastal forest
Matthews Alison, Lunney Daniel, Gresser Shaan, Maitz Wendy
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Characterisation of MHC class I genes in the koala
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Protecting the protected: reducing wildlife roadkill in protected areas
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Daylight saving time can decrease the frequency of wildlife–vehicle collisions
Ellis William A., FitzGibbon Sean I., Barth Benjamin J., Niehaus Amanda C., David Gwendolyn K., Taylor Brendan D., Matsushige Helena, Melzer Alistair, Bercovitch Fred B., Carrick Frank, Jones Darryl N., Dexter Cathryn, Gillett Amber, Predavec Martin, Lunney Dan, Wilson Robbie S.
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Understanding the role of plantations in the abundance of an arboreal folivore
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Chlamydiaceae and Chlamydia-like organisms in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)—Organ distribution and histopathological findings
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Veterinary Microbiology. 2014 172(1-2). p.230
Suburban attitudes towards the common brushtail possumTrichosurus vulpeculaand the common ringtail possumPseudocheirus peregrinusin the northern suburbs of Sydney
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Age of road-killed common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and common ringtail possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) in an urban environment
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Home range areas of koalas in an urban area of north-east New South Wales
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Australian Mammalogy. 2014 36(1). p.74
Biogeography and predictors of wildlife killed on roads at peninsular Florida State Parks
Jenkins David G., Ohyama Leo, López‐Borghesi Federico, Hart Jacob D., Bogotá‐Gregory Juan D., Rautsaw Rhett M., Roldán Vanessa Correa, Guilfoyle Kevin, Jarvis Anik, Loch Jennifer, Mercier Kathryn, Myers Olivia, Shaw Rachel, Volk Daniel, Bard Alice M.
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Wildlife Warning Signs: Public Assessment of Components, Placement and Designs to Optimise Driver Response
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Animals. 2013 3(4). p.1142
Needing a drink: Rainfall and temperature drive the use of free water by a threatened arboreal folivore
Mella Valentina S. A., McArthur Clare, Krockenberger Mark B., Frend Robert, Crowther Mathew S., Lightfoot David A
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Vaccination of Koalas with a Recombinant Chlamydia pecorum Major Outer Membrane Protein Induces Antibodies of Different Specificity Compared to Those Following a Natural Live Infection
Kollipara Avinash, Polkinghorne Adam, Beagley Kenneth W., Timms Peter, Greub Gilbert
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Distribution models for koalas in South Australia using citizen science‐collected data
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Ecology and Evolution. 2014 4(11). p.2103
Monitoring the use of road-crossing structures by arboreal marsupials: insights gained from motion-triggered cameras and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags
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Wildlife Research. 2015 42(3). p.241
Conservation status of common wombats in Tasmania II: population distribution and trends, and the incidence and significance of roadkill
Driessen Michael M., Dewar Elise, Carver Scott, Lawrence Clare, Gales Rosemary
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Physiological Stress in Rescued Wild Koalas Are Influenced by Habitat Demographics, Environmental Stressors, and Clinical Intervention
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Spatiotemporal variation in human-wildlife conflicts along highway BR-262 in the Brazilian Pantanal
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Expression profiles of the immune genes CD4, CD8β, IFNγ, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 in mitogen-stimulated koala lymphocytes (Phascolarctos cinereus) by qRT-PCR
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An analysis of the long-term trends in the records of Friends of the Koala in north-east New South Wales: I. Cause and fate of koalas admitted for rehabilitation (1989–2020)
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A 6-year study of mitigating koala roadkill during an upgrade of the Pacific Highway at Lindsay’s cutting, Coffs Harbour New South Wales
Lunney Daniel, Moon Chris, Sonawane Indrie, Predavec Martin, Rhodes Jonathan R., Goldingay Ross
Australian Mammalogy. 2022 44(3). p.305
Bearing up well? Understanding the past, present and future of Australia's koalas
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Vaccination of healthy and diseased koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) with a Chlamydia pecorum multi-subunit vaccine: Evaluation of immunity and pathology
Kollipara Avinash, George Carmel, Hanger Jon, Loader Jo, Polkinghorne Adam, Beagley Kenneth, Timms Peter
Vaccine. 2012 30(10). p.1875
Antigenic specificity of a monovalent versus polyvalent MOMP based Chlamydia pecorum vaccine in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Kollipara Avinash, Wan Charles, Rawlinson Galit, Brumm Jacqui, Nilsson Karen, Polkinghorne Adam, Beagley Kenneth, Timms Peter
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Roads and wildlife: impacts, mitigation and implications for wildlife management in Australia
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A targeted approach to investigating immune genes of an iconic Australian marsupial
Silver Luke W., Cheng Yuanyuan, Quigley Bonnie L., Robbins Amy, Timms Peter, Hogg Carolyn J., Belov Katherine, Bonneaud Camille
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Temporal variation in reproductive characteristics of an introduced and abundant island population of koalas
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Impediments to the Success of Management Actions for Species Recovery
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PLoS ONE. 2014 9(4). p.e92430
Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland
de Oliveira S. M., Murray P. J., de Villiers D. L., Baxter G. S.
Australian Mammalogy. 2014 36(1). p.45
Roads and water availability influence the occurrence of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in secondary habitat: a multiscale approach
Gardiner Riana, Terraube Julien, Frere Celine, Cristescu Romane
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Vaccination of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) with a recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane protein adjuvanted with poly I:C, a host defense peptide and polyphosphazine, elicits strong and long lasting cellular and humoral immune responses
Khan Shahneaz Ali, Waugh Courtney, Rawlinson Galit, Brumm Jacqui, Nilsson Karen, Gerdts Volker, Potter Andrew, Polkinghorne Adam, Beagley Kenneth, Timms Peter
Vaccine. 2014 32(44). p.5781
The value of long-term citizen science data for monitoring koala populations
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Scientific Reports. 2019 9(1).
Bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) use drainage culverts to cross roads
Crook Natasha, Cairns Stuart C., Vernes Karl
Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(1). p.23
Koala tree selection in a mixed-tenure landscape and post-fire implications
Gallahar Nicole, Leigh Kellie, Phalen David
Wildlife Research. 2021 48(8). p.737
Strategies to conserve the koala: cost-effectiveness considerations
Tisdell Clement A., Preece Harriet J., Abdullah Sabah, Beyer Hawthorne L.
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. 2017 24(3). p.302
Chlamydia pecorumInfection in the Male Reproductive System of Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Palmieri Chiara, Hulse Lyndal, Pagliarani Sara, Larkin Rebecca, Higgins Damien P., Beagley Kenneth, Johnston Stephen
Veterinary Pathology. 2019 56(2). p.300

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