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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. I. Faecal pellet sampling protocol

B. J. Sullivan, G. S. Baxter and A. T. Lisle
29(5) pp.455 - 462

26 articles found in Crossref database.

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Wildlife Research. 2018 45(8). p.706
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Experimental Evaluation of Koala Scat Persistence and Detectability with Implications for Pellet-Based Fauna Census
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The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2016 80(1). p.48
Drought-driven change in wildlife distribution and numbers: a case study of koalas in south west Queensland
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Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(2). p.160
Walsh Peter D., White Lee J. T.
Ecological Applications. 2005 15(4). p.1342
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