A survey of endoparasites of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.) in Australia
R Mykytowycz
CSIRO Wildlife Research
1(1) 19 - 25
Published: 1956
Three hundred and sixty wild rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), from 29 localities in Australia were examined for the presence of endoparasites. Eighty-nine per cent. were infested with one or more of the following species of helminths: Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder), Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi), Graphidium strigosum (Dujardin), Cysticercus pisiformis (Bloch), Coenurus serialis (Gervais), Nematodirus sp., and Pasciola hepatica L. A restricted distribution of G. strigosum was apparent. Eirneria spp. occurred in 90 per cent. of the rabbits specifically examined for the presence of this parasite. In order of frequency, the species are E. performs (Leuokart), E. irresidua Kessel & Jankiewicz, E. stiedae (Lindemann), E. media Kessel, and E. magna Pérard. The similarity in the endoparasitio fauna of the wild rabbit in Australia, Wales, and New Zealand is noted.https://doi.org/10.1071/CWR9560019
© CSIRO 1956