Fertilisation with P, N and S requires additional Zn for healthy plantation tree growth on low fertility savanna soils
Stan J. Rance A B , David M. Cameron B , Emlyn R. Williams C and Carl R. Gosper
Soil nutrient limitations characterise savanna soils globally and are one of several constraints to establishing productive tree plantations and enhancing economic opportunities in tropical regions. Fertilisation offers an approach to overcome soil nutrient limitations to maximise tree growth and health, but requires research on nutrient contents, composition, rates and methods of delivery in the context of soil characteristics.
To determine the optimal contents, rates and methods of application of fertiliser to maximise the growth and health of the plantation timber species Pinus caribaea on low fertility savanna soils.
Factorial field experiments tested growth responses to applications of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) on three soils near Darwin, Australia. Further experiments tested effects of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and potassium (K) application and small-scale variation in soil characteristics on tree performance.
Positive growth responses to P, N and S were recorded, yet unhealthy trees developed, particularly in better-performing treatments. Second phase experiments addressing potential causes of ill health confirmed Zn limitations. Intense spatial soil sampling demonstrated substantial variation in cation exchange capacity and composition over short distances.
Nutrient additions to enhance plantation tree growth will need to encompass minor and trace elements in addition to N, P and S, specifically Zn, and consider the mechanism of application.
Small-scale variability in cation exchange capacity and composition indicates that optimal fertilisation rates will vary spatially, and that soil sampling for site characterisation would be more accurate with replicated dispersed samples.
Keywords: cation exchange capacity, nutrient limitation, Pinus caribaea, plant nutrition, soil limitation, soil variation, tree health, tropical soil.
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