Sulfate sorption measured by a buffering index over a range of properties of soils from south Western Australia
G. C. Anderson
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, PO Box 483, Northam, WA 6401, Australia. Email:
Soil Research 58(7) 651-661
Submitted: 6 January 2020 Accepted: 1 July 2020 Published: 30 July 2020
Journal Compilation © CSIRO 2020 Open Access CC BY
Sulfate sorption by the soil affects the rate of sulfate leaching, which impacts on the availability of soil sulfate for plant uptake. In Australia, plant-available sulfur is measured using 0.25 M KCl heated for 3 h at 40°C to extract soil sulfur (SKCl40). This paper describes a technique referred to as a sulfate buffering index (SBI), which provides a measurement of sulfate sorption. SBI when combined with the estimates of the q and b parameters of the Freundlich equation, can be used to define a sorption curve. The equation is S = acb – q; where S is the amount of sulfate adsorbed (mg S kg–1), c is the equilibrium concentration of sulfate measured in solution (mg S L–1) and a, b and q are coefficients that describe the soil sulfate sorption curve. Coefficients S and c were measured using six sulfate solution concentrations ranging from 0 to 250 mg S kg–1. The adsorption curve was fitted using the modified Freundlich equation including setting of b = 0.41 and q = SKCl40 using recently collected soil samples. The modified Freundlich a coefficient or SBI was calculated as SBI = (S + SKCl40)/c0.41; where S and c were determined using 50 mg S kg–1 of added sulfate. The SBI ranged within 1–40. The SKCl40 was related to SBI below a depth of 10 cm (r2 = 0.71) but not for the 0–10 cm soil layer where S sorption was minimal.
Additional keywords: crop management, leaching.
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