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Nitrate import–export dynamics in groundwater interacting with surface-water in a wet-tropical environment

V. Rasiah A C , J. D. Armour A , A. L. Cogle A and S. K. Florentine B
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A Department of Environment & Resources Management, 28 Peters Street, PO Box 156, Mareeba, Qld 4880, Australia.

B Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, PO Box 663, Ballarat, Vic. 3350, Australia.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(4) 361-370
Submitted: 7 July 2009  Accepted: 8 February 2010   Published: 16 June 2010


Solute import–export dynamics in groundwater (GW) systems interacting with surface-water are complex, particularly under farming systems receiving high fertiliser/pesticide inputs in high rainfall regions. We investigated whether any linkage existed between nitrate-N in: (i) leachate (LC) collected at ~1 m depth under banana (Musa) and that in GW, and (ii) GW and drain-water (DW). We also assessed the hazard/risk of the concentrations against the trigger values proposed for the sustainable health of different aquatic ecosystems. The LC, GW, and DW samples were collected at short intervals during 3 consecutive rainy seasons (January–July) from a ~300-ha banana farm in the wet tropical Tully River Catchment in north-east Queensland, Australia. Water samples were analysed for nitrate-N, dissolved organic carbon, and electrical conductivity.

The coefficients of variation, ranging from 13 to132%, obtained for solute concentrations in LC, GW, and DW indicated large within- and between-season temporal variations. The mean nitrate-N concentrations in LC, GW, and DW were 5320, 4135, and 1976 μg/L, respectively, and were orders of magnitude higher than the trigger values proposed for the sustainable health of most of the neighbouring aquatic ecosystems. Significant positive associations, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.56 to 0.96, existed between rainfall received and LC volume collected, and between LC volume and solute concentration, including nitrate-N, in the LC. Similar associations existed between the solutes in (i) LC and GW and (ii) GW and DW. From these associations we conclude the unused/under-utilised nitrate that leached below the root-zone was imported into the GW by the percolating rainwater and was exported into the drain via GW base-flow discharge.

Additional keywords: nitrate, leachate, groundwater, drain-water, three-way linkage, trigger values.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment to Reef, for the field and laboratory support provided by Messrs HD Heiner and D Dwyer and Mss T Whiteing and DE Rowan, the growers who participated in the research, and the internal review and editorial comments provided by Drs Bob Noble and Chris Carroll, and Ms Glynis Orr.


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