Exploring pedogenesis via nuclide-based soil production rates and OSL-based bioturbation rates
Marshall T. Wilkinson A B and Geoff S. Humphreys AA Department of Physical Geography, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email: marsh.wilkinson@swiftdsl.com.au
Australian Journal of Soil Research 43(6) 767-779 https://doi.org/10.1071/SR04158
Submitted: 29 October 2004 Accepted: 4 May 2005 Published: 22 September 2005
New dating techniques are available for soil scientists to test fundamental pedogenic ideas. Recent developments in applications of terrestrial in situ cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) from bedrock and saprolite allow the derivation of soil production rates, at scales ranging from local (sub-hillslope) to catchment wide, generally averaged over timescales of 104–105 years. Where soil depths are relatively constant over time, soil production rates equal transport rates and are thus essential to establishing sustainable erosion rates. TCN also allow the form of the soil production function to be compared to theoretical models—a difficult task previously. Furthermore, parameterised soil production functions can now be incorporated into numerical surface process models to test landscape evolution ideas.
Bedrock and saprolite conversion to soil is demonstrably dependent on the overlying soil depth, and there is general agreement that weathering declines exponentially beyond maximum soil production, consistent with theory. Whether maximum soil production occurs under a finite or non-existent soil cover at particular sites remains unresolved. We suggest that, in general, soil production from saprolite declines exponentially with increasing depth, while production from bedrock follows a humped function.
Estimates of the role of flora, fauna and processes such as freeze–thaw that mix soil mantles to depth, have been limited prior to optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques. Recently derived OSL mixing rates extend the magnitude of previous partial, short-term bioturbation rates. In fact, bioturbation appears to be the most active pedogenic process operating in many soils, with freeze–thaw environments a noted exception. Although bioturbation far outweighs soil production, it does not always lead to homogenisation as is often reported. We maintain that the above-ground component of bioturbation, i.e. mounding, may alone, or particularly when combined with particle sorting via rainwash processes, lead to horizonisation and texture contrast soils in those materials that can be sorted such as mixtures of sand and clay. Together, TCN- and OSL-based estimates of hillslope soil transport and bioturbation, suggest significant rates of downslope soil mantle movement coupled with rapid mixing, contrary to in situ soil development models.
Additional keywords: soil formation, soil mixing, horizonisation, geochronology.
We thank the following for helpful discussion in developing the ideas presented in this paper: the late Don Adamson, Peter Almond, Bob Anderson, John Chappell, Tony Dosetto, David Jon Furbish, Manny Gabet, Arjun Heimsath, Paul Hesse, Jon Olley, and Josh Roering. Brad Pillans and two anonymous referees also provided useful comments on a draft version of this manuscript. Karen Carthew and Kerrie Tomkins drafted the figures.
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