Australian Journal of Soil Research
Volume 38 Number 3 2000
SR99001Water retention characteristics of soils with contrasting clay mineral composition in semi-arid tropical regions
Thomas Gaiser, Frieder Graef and José Carvalho Cordeiro
pp. 523-536
SR99104A validation test of WEPP to predict runoff and soil loss from a pineapple farm on a sandy soil in subtropical Queensland, Australia
B. Yu, C. A. A. Ciesiolka, C. W. Rose and K. J. Coughlan
pp. 537-554
SR99100Geologically related variations in saturated hydraulic conductivity in the regolith of the western wheatbelt of Western Australia and its implications for the development of dryland salinity
C. J. Clarke, R. J. George, D. L. Bennett and R. W. Bell
pp. 555-568
SR99018Evaluation of surface and groundwater management strategies for drained sulfidic soil using numerical simulation models
B. G. Blunden and B. Indraratna
pp. 569-590
SR99060Predicting the probabilities of groundwater contamination by pesticides under variable recharge
L. A. G. Aylmore and H. J. Di
pp. 591-602
SR99056Sorption-desorption and column leaching of strychnine with soil
H. Ghadiri, D. Connell and R. Parker
pp. 603-616
SR99069Leaching and degradation of triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl, and chlorsulfuron in alkaline soil profiles under field conditions
A. K. Sarmah, R. S. Kookana and A. M. Alston
pp. 617-631
SR99080Denitrification and immobilisation in flood-irrigated alkaline grey clays as affected by nitrification inhibitors, wheat straw, and soil texture
I. J. Rochester and G. A. Constable
pp. 633-642
SR99059The distribution of net nitrogen mineralisation within surface soil. 2. Factors influencing the distribution of net N mineralisation
Erry Purnomo, A. S. Black and M. K. Conyers
pp. 643-652
SR99040Availability of nitrogen and phosphorus under recycled water irrigation
K. Sakadevan, B. L. Maheshwari and H. J. Bavor
pp. 653-664
SR99115Virtual fractionation of charcoal from soil organic matter using solid state 13 C NMR spectral editing
R. J. Smernik, J. O. Skjemstad and J. M. Oades
pp. 665-683
SR99092Plant effects on soil carbon storage and turnover in a montane beech (Nothofagus ) forest and adjacent tussock grassland in New Zealand
K. R. Tate, N. A. Scott, D. J. Ross, A. Parshotam and J. J. Claydon
pp. 685-697
SR99075Tracing the nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon released from plant residues in a soil/plant system
Yothin Konboon, Graeme Blair, Rod Lefroy and Anthony Whitbread
pp. 699-710
SR99054Amelioration of subsurface acidity in the south-west of Western Australia: downward movement and mass balance of surface-incorporated lime after 2-15 years
M. G. Whitten, M. T. F. Wong and A. W. Rate
pp. 711-728
SR99088A modified chromium-reducible sulfur method for reduced inorganic sulfur: optimum reaction time for acid sulfate soil
L. A. Sullivan, R. T. Bush and D. M. McConchie
pp. 729-734
SR99070Comparison of single superphosphate and superphosphate coated with bauxite residue for subterranean clover production on phosphorus-leaching soils
Robert Summers, Martin Clarke, Tim Pope and Tim O'Dea
pp. 735-744
SR98117Accessibility of subsoil potassium to wheat grown on duplex soils in the south-west of Western Australia
M. T. F. Wong, N. K. Edwards and N. J. Barrow
pp. 745-751
SR99083Magnesium fertiliser dissolution rates in pumice soils under Pinus radiata
A. D. Mitchell, P. Loganathan, T. W. Payn and R. W. Tillman
pp. 753-767