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Comparison of legume-based cropping systems at Warra, Queensland. 2. Mineral nitrogen accumulation and availability to the subsequent wheat crop

SA Hossain, WM Strong, SA Waring, RC Dalal and EJ Weston

Australian Journal of Soil Research 34(2) 289 - 297
Published: 1996


Mineral nitrogen release following legume-based cropping systems for restoring the fertility of a Vertisol and the yield response and N uptake of subsequent wheat crops was studied. Legume phases of pastures, including a 4 year grass+legume ley, and lucerne and medic leys (~1 year) were terminated in October 1988 or 1989 and rotated with wheat. Chickpea-wheat rotations matched those of lucerne and medic leys. Mineral N accumulations during a subsequent fallow period were determined by core sampling to 1.5 m in October, February and May. Grain yield and N uptake of wheat enabled comparisons of the fertility restorative effects of the various systems relative to continuous wheat cropping.

Averaged for two fallow periods, increases in mineral N down to 1.2 m depth were 93, 91, 68, and 37 kg/ha following grass+legume, lucerne and medic leys, and chickpea, respectively, compared with the continuous wheat treatment.

Wheat yields were generally lower in 1989 (1.85–2.88 t/ha) than in 1990 (2.08–3.59 t/ha) following all leys and crops due to seasonal conditions. There was a grain yield increase of 0.11 and 0.52 t/ha in 1989 and 1.23 and 1.26 t/ha in 1990 following lucerne and medic leys, respectively and 0.85 t/ha in 1990 following a 4 year grass+legume ley. Following chickpea there was a yield increase of 0.81 and 1.36 t/ha in 1989 and 1990 respectively.

Nitrogen uptake by wheat was increased by 40 and 49 kg/ha in 1989 and 48 and 58 kg/ha in 1990 following lucerne and medic leys respectively and 63 kg/ha in 1990 following a 4 year grass+legume ley. Following chickpea N uptake by wheat was increased by 27 and 32 kg/ha in 1989 and 1990 respectively. Grain protein concentration of wheat was substantially higher following all pasture leys (11.7–15.8%) than following wheat (8.0–9.4%) or chickpea (9.4–10.1%). Therefore, there was substantial evidence of the effectiveness of pasture leys in soil fertility restoration, as reflected in mineral N, yield response and N uptake by subsequent wheat crops.

Keywords: pasture leys, legumes.

© CSIRO 1996

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