Prevention of crust formation in soils by poly(vinyl alcohol)
JM Oades
Australian Journal of Soil Research
14(2) 139 - 148
Published: 1976
The successful field stabilization of a seedbed by poly(viny1 alcohol) (PVA) with a molecular weight close to 70000 is described. Stabilization of the 0-2 cm layer of the seedbed by spraying on PVA in aqueous solution at rates of 8-10 g m-2 was shown to increase seedling emergence, rainfall infiltration and water storage. The PVA prevented crust formation, thus reducing surface run-off and soil erosion by one-half compared with control areas. The improved infiltration led to increased leaching of mineral nitrogen down the profile. The treatment may be useful for stabilization of experimental areas, preparation of lawns or intensive horticultural practice.
© CSIRO 1976