Urea-induced nitrous oxide emissions under sub-tropical rain-fed sorghum and sunflower were nullified by DMPP, partially mitigated by polymer-coated urea, or enhanced by a blend of urea and polymer-coated urea
G. D. Schwenke
A NSW Department of Primary Industries, Tamworth Agricultural Institute, Tamworth, NSW 2340, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email: graeme.schwenke@dpi.nsw.gov.au
Soil Research 57(4) 342-356 https://doi.org/10.1071/SR18285
Submitted: 19 September 2018 Accepted: 27 February 2019 Published: 24 April 2019
Delaying the accumulation of soil nitrate from urea applied at sowing should mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions without compromising optimum crop production. This delay may be achieved chemically using a nitrification inhibitor such as 3,4 dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), or physically by coating urea with a degradable polymer (PCU). In five field experiments across three summers, the impact of DMPP-coated urea applied at sowing on soil mineral nitrogen (N), N2O emissions and yields of grain sorghum or sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols was assessed. At two experiments, DMPP effects on plant N uptake, soil N movement and total N loss were determined with 15N. One experiment included PCU and several blends: urea+DMPP-urea; urea+PCU; urea+DMPP-urea+PCU. Averaged across all experiments, DMPP reduced cumulative N2O emitted by 92% (range: 65–123%) and N2O emission factor (EF: percent of applied N emitted) by 88%. There was no statistical difference in N2O emitted between the 0N control and DMPP-urea. PCU reduced N2O emitted by 27% and EF by 34%. The urea+DMPP-urea blend also nullified urea-induced N2O, but urea+PCU increased N2O emissions and decreased grain yield due to a mismatch between soil N availability and plant N demand. DMPP arrested 15N movement in soil and reduced total 15N loss from 35% to 15% at one of the two 15N experiments. Applying DMPP-urea at sowing is an effective N strategy that nullifies urea-induced N2O emissions, maintains crop yield, and retains N in the soil–plant system. Negative impacts of the PCU+urea blend highlight the influence of growing season conditions on fertiliser N release.
Additional keywords: denitrification, enhanced efficiency fertiliser, N2O emission factor, N2O emission intensity, polymer coated urea, urea blending.
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