Greenhouse gas emission reductions in subtropical cereal-based cropping sequences using legumes, DMPP-coated urea and split timings of urea application
Graeme D. Schwenke
A NSW Department of Primary Industries, 4 Marsden Park Road, Calala, NSW 2340, Australia.
B NSW Department of Primary Industries, 10 Valentine Avenue, Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia.
C School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.
D Corresponding author. Email:
Soil Research 56(7) 724-736
Submitted: 23 April 2018 Accepted: 21 August 2018 Published: 4 October 2018
To contribute to national greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction targets, grain growers need strategies that minimise emissions associated with grain production. We used life cycle assessments (LCAs) with field-measured production inputs, grain yields and proteins, legume nitrogen (N2) fixation, and soil nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions, to explore mitigation strategies in 3-year crop sequences in subtropical Australia. The sequences were: canola plus 80 kg/ha fertiliser nitrogen (80N)–wheat 85N–barley 65N (CaNWtNBaN), chickpea 0N–wheat 85N–barley 5N (CpWtNBa), chickpea 0N–wheat 5N–chickpea 5N (CpWtCp), and chickpea 0N–sorghum 45N (CpSgN). We also assessed the impacts of split fertiliser N application and urea coated with DMPP, a nitrification inhibitor, on the LCA for the CaNWtNBaN sequence.
Total pre-farm plus on-farm GHG emissions varied between 915 CO2-e/ha (CpSgN) and 1890 CO2-e/ha (CaNWtNBaN). Cumulative N2O emitted over the 3-year study varied between 0.479 kg N2O-N/ha (CpWtCp) and 1.400 kg N2O-N/ha (CaNWtNBaN), which constituted 24–44% of total GHG emissions. Fertiliser production accounted for 20% (CpSgN) to 30% (CaNWtNBaN) of total emissions. An extra 4.7 kg CO2-e/ha was emitted for each additional kg N/ha of applied N fertiliser. Three-year CH4 emissions ranged from −1.04 to −0.98 kg CH4-C/ha. Split N and DMPP strategies could reduce total GHG emissions of CaNWtNBaN by 17 and 28% respectively. Results of the study indicate considerable scope for reducing the carbon footprint of subtropical, dryland grains cropping in Australia.
Additional keywords: carbon dioxide, carbon footprint, fertiliser N, grain cropping, greenhouse gas emissions, life cycle assessment, methane, nitrous oxide.
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