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Derivation of terrain covariates for digital soil mapping in Australia

John C. Gallant A B and Jenet M. Austin A
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A CSIRO Land and Water, Black Mountain Laboratories, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Soil Research 53(8) 895-906
Submitted: 30 September 2014  Accepted: 9 September 2015   Published: 2 November 2015


Digital soil mapping is founded on the availability of covariates that are used as surrogates for the spatial patterns in soil properties. One important subset of covariates represents the patterns due to terrain, and these are typically derived from a digital elevation model at a suitable resolution. When each digital soil mapping exercise requires the calculation of terrain covariates, there is a clear potential for inconsistent methods and for choosing the covariates that are easiest to derive rather than those that are most relevant. The creation of open repositories of relevant terrain covariates that are correctly derived avoids these problems and fosters the application of digital soil mapping and other modelling activities that benefit from landscape properties.

This paper describes the creation of a suite of commonly used terrain covariates from the 1-arcsecond (~30 m) resolution digital elevation models for Australia that were released through CSIRO’s Data Access Portal and the TERN Data Discovery Portal. The methods used to derive the terrain covariates are described and their characteristics are identified.


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